"Hello, Ronnie and Ro!" Josh exclaimed, barging through the doorway of Ronnies room, nearly falling over and knocking her bookshelf over in the process. Ronnie rolled her eyes and I let out a laugh.

"Hello, Joshua." I said, my laughing continuous.

"Mom and Dad are in bed but the boys and I invited Danny over to have a movie night. We wanted to see if you two wanted to watch with us." He said with a hopeful smile. He was like a puppy. I looked over at Ronnie before giving a response and she nodded with a shrug. I mean we would just be talking and listening to music anyway.

"Sure, why not?" I said with a smile.

"Perfect!" Josh said quickly, "Sam and I were just finishing setting up all of the blankets in the living room. You guys can come down whenever." He added, turning around.

"Okay, sounds good." Ronnie said in response as he skipped his way through the doorway. I looked at Ronnie with a face that said something along the lines of where did this kid come from? and we both laughed at eachother.

"Oh!" Josh said popping his head back into the room and nearly scaring me to death, "I hope you like scary movies."

"YES!" Ronnie said in response as we watched him leave yet again. I could tell my face sunk based on Ronnies reaction. I hated scary movies. Blood? No thank you. Death? No thank you? Possessed people? No thank you.

Ronnie could tell I was worried about it.

"It will be fine, Ro." she said, nudging my shoulder playfully. I just gave her a slight smile in response, trying to avoid embarrassing myself even further.

Ronnie and I decided to meet eachother downstairs because I wanted to change into my pajamas. I threw on the sage green shorts and shirt before throwing my hair up into a messy bun and making my way downstairs to the living room.

Upon arriving I saw all of them scattered around. Ronnie was sitting on the recliner chair in the corner opposite of the couch and Sam sat on the left side of the couch. Danny was on the right and Jake and Josh decided to take the floor route. They laid out blankets and pillows all over the rug in front of the TV.

"Sorry Ro, but I called dibs on the recliner." Ronnie said over her shoulder, "Jake always hogs it so I took my chance." She added, shooting Jake a menacing glare in the process.

"It's fine." I said with a smile. Though I felt bad for feeling such a way, I'd never never felt so at home. I'd never had family movie nights, even when my mom was alive. It just wasn't how our family was. Sure, my father and I are close, but after my mom died I realized how little time I really spent with him. It was always me and her.

"Are you okay?" I heard a soft voice question. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize that Sam was standing right next to me. He looked at me like I was a lost puppy or something.

"Yeah..." I replied hesitantly.

"Would you, uh... like to sit on the couch with me and Danny? I can sit in the middle if you want." He said quickly. His face had started to turn pink. It was adorable.

"Of course, Sammy. I'd love to." I said with a giggle. I still didn't fully understand him. He was so hot and cold. I felt like I always had to question the way he acted. It was almost as if half of the time he couldn't stand to be near me, and the other half of the time he was one of the nicest friends I've ever had.

the new day - samuel kiszka (greta van fleet)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon