Quote #188

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Sullivan: *humming*

Warren: *Walks by Sullivan's office and sees a pole poking out Sullivan's pant leg* 

Warren: What are you up to? Oops look out! *grabs Sullivan's wallet*

Sullivan: What are you doing? Give that back. Come on!

Warren: *Takes money out of Sullivan's wallet and throws it on the floor.*

Warren: Prank!

Sullivan: Oh that's real creative.

Warren: You know what it's not my best. Because you could just easily bend over and pick it up right?

Sullivan: I could, but I just don't feel like it loser.

Warren: Because you're sitting?

Sullivan: Standing.

Warren: Ok. *Walks over to Sullivan.*

Sullivan: Don't!

Warren: Because you're sitting?

Sullivan: Standing.

Warren: You know I have to do this.


Sullivan: I know. 

*Warren pushes Sullivan over, making Sullivan scream*

Reference- The Office

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