Quote #92

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*At Ryan's Precinct*

Miller, talking into a Walkie-talkie: Alright, Jack, if you found that choking hazard poster, just head on home.

Gibson: We found something far better, their crown jewel. Their industrial copier.

Miller: Isn't that thing huge?

Montgomery: It's enormous, but it's got wheels. We're wheeling it down the hall, into the stairwell. Get the car ready, keep the engine running.

Miller: No, that is a terrible idea, don't do this.

Gibson: Aha! *crashing*

Montgomery: My hip bone!

Gibson: We're wedged between the copier and the railing. Ah! Ow! Ow, my leg! Dean, leave us!

Montgomery: Don't leave us!

Gibson: Save yourself!

Montgomery: Don't leave us, help us, we need help Miller!

Miller: Okay! First of all, stop using my name. And second of all-

Gibson: Travis, you gotta move!

Miller: Damn it guys!

Gibson: Travis, could you move over a little bit?

Montgomery: I'm losing control of my bladder!

Reference- The Office

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