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"we're two worlds apart,
(it's astronomy)

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no, she couldn't let the whispers in her head twist the knife embedded in her soul. no, this was too much, she was okay, she didn't mind, it was just a glance. no this was overwhelming, she wasn't okay, her mind was torn apart, ripped like strands, no, she minded, how dare someone come along, snatching her love from her starved, scratched hands, no it wasn't fair.

its alright, its a delusion, her heart whispers, a little glance never hurt nobody. lies, a load of dung, her mind hissed, a glance like that is reserved for love that bleeds. your love, that you keep, in a closet, hidden, only to show for her.

the words were contrasting, opposing, two poles, and the end of the line, but oh choose she could only one. so she took the path less rugged, less risky, for her insides doubted if her love ever saw her and she saw herself.

all left was anger, hot, boiling, suffocating, nipping at her core, melting her into molten lava. but anger was better, it was better than the tears, better than the pain, better than the guilt, better than the what-ifs that never backed down from coming in the mind, taunting her every time the clock ticked.

the silent scream of sorrow amidst the deafening silence, too much to bear, clawing its way out, searing out her throat, ripping out of her lungs.

oh can anybody love someone as faded as me ?

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we're two worlds apart"

𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒚, robin buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now