13: We're Both Impossible To Exist

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His fast eating causes me to giggle, too impatient for getting rounds with me.

I have an idea! I take a peeled orange, smash it on his chest, and rub it down to his abdomen. The orange remnants land on the base of his erection. I love it when his cock keeps springing up after endless rounds, never getting tired of me as I am never of him.

Before he can say anything, I lick his erection down to the base, eat the orange, and continue licking up the juice on his torso. I don't care about our remnants on him, I can't get enough of him. To my delight, his muscles flex from writhing, and his look upon me is filled with unrepentant heat. I lick his nipple and suck it. His hands fly up to my scalp and claw...

His hair is dirty with mud, and his gleaming skin is tarnished by orange and my marks. He's the most wonderful creation by The Highness, inside and out. Mind you, I've seen and heard a lot throughout my years.

Even though I adore how he took charge of me, the times when he worships me by offering himself without a doubt make me lose control. My subdued passion lashes out at him. Even in experimental rounds, he accepted me with glee.

I go down for fellatio, though not before I nibble his belly. I don't know why but this fat bit of his is driving me to insanity. His untethered deep laughter and his body squirms under my touch absolutely don't help.

"It tickles, sweetheart!" He then whines when I bite it. "Insatiable, are you?"

"You got me addicted to you, you know that?"

"Is that so, baby?" Rain droplets grace his filthy grin... "I'm stuck with you then."


"Ki, what's in your mind?"

Before I ride him for another round, I rest on his lap with his arms around me. He doesn't stop kissing my neck when I look around my meadow. The rain had gone hours ago and we freshened up. Amid our love, I smell something. Something different from Aht's body odor and far, which comes from the forest. I hear the rustling and grunting. There isn't any malicious intent.

"Someone's coming here."

Alarmed, he straightens up. I kiss his temple and tuck the long locks behind his ear. Faraway footsteps behind Aht. We should get dressed.

"We should put on clothes," he says.

Laughing to myself, I know at this point we are telepathic towards each other. Figuratively.

"Are you two okay"—Theo greets with a smile—"OH MY GOOD LORD FORGIVE MY SINNING EYES!"

Aht gasps. "What—!"

The poor kid stumbles back and his palms fly up to his eyes, panicking and almost running to the forest.

Aht twists his body slightly to look at him. "Did you see anything of Ki?"

I answer, "No, he doesn't. Don't worry."

"No! Your body is covering her up. You, however, I was cursed to see your butt crack's upper half," Theo complains.

"Oi! My butt is a gift!" Aht's affronted.

"And I have the privilege to enjoy it," I whisper and bite his shoulder, making him grunt and blush.

"Not the time, Ki..."

Theo grimaces. "You both are going to do it again??"

Aht rolls his eyes. "No, no. Let us get dressed."

I snap my fingers, cleaning and dressing us up all at once. Aht snorts. What a dear. I don't care if he thinks a snort is a disgusting habit.

Hm. It's harder to manifest things.

Damnation Of Devotion ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora