" Chapter 9 "

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Ellie's POV

I woke up the next morning with an ache in my neck. I must've slept funny or something.

I thought back to the conversation Calvin and I had last night. I can't believe I told him! Like I know I can trust him but I didn't want to tell anyone, it was hard tell the girls. And now almost everyone knows I like Xavier! Except Hunter, Xavier and Hunter both don't know.

"Hey you ready to go?" Xavier asks me. He had just knocked on our door and seeing that it was already open, he invited himself in.

"Yup let me just get my backpack, then I'll be ready to go." I say, and before I can grab my backpack he grabs it for me.

"Let me carry it," Xavier says with a smile and I just nod my head.

We go out together, everyone else already in the van. I guess either Xavier or I will have to drive because everyone else has already claimed the back seats.

Xavier and I make our way to the front building so we could give our keys back and check out.

"Do you want to drive, or should I?" I ask Xavier once we start heading over to the van.

"How bout I drive until we get into Florida and then you can drive from there to your aunt and uncle's?" Xavier suggests and I agree to that, seeing that he doesn't know how to get to the house.

We both jump in the front, him in the driver's seat.

"What took you guys so long?" Calvin asks and I told him that we went as fast as we could. Calvin could either be super sweet or a big pain in my butt!

"Ok let's go! We have six more hours until we get there."

"Six more hours? That's it? Omigosh guys we are almost there!" Lexi exclaims and Kayleigh squeals in delight.

Before we we got on the highway again, we chose a movie to watch. Although because Xavier is driving and I'm sitting beside him we would only get to listen to the movie and not actually watch it.

They chose to watch fast and furious 5. We had watched all the other ones and we were planning to go to the seventh one in theatres when we arrive at my aunt and uncles. I wanted to go with my brother on opening night but he took some of his buddies instead of me!

Fast 5 was probably my favourite out of the 6 I had watched. But all of them were super awesome! I contributed to watch until I fell asleep.


We finally got into Florida, and by then everyone was pumped! We all wanted to get out of the van run just run around.

We got to the Information Centre and we all hopped out of the van. First thing we did was go to the bathroom.

Hunter, of course, had the dumb idea of not going when we stopped at the last gas station, and so he had to go super bad. He was the first one out of the van and into the bathrooms.

Once we got out of the bathroom, we headed into the information centre and looked around. There were lots of brochures and information of everything you could do in Florida.

I was the smart one, I went to the counter to get a small orange juice, that stuff was the best! Once I had gotten mine, everyone else followed and got theirs.

"Wow, this stuff is really good!" Hunter exclaims and we all nod in agreement.

"I don't see the big deal of this stuff, it just taste like normal orange juice?" Calvin asks us and us girls all glared at him. How could you not taste the difference? It was so good!

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