" Chapter 5 "

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"Ok guys stop fooling around! We have to get the car packed!" I order the guys, who are currently play fighting.

3 weeks have passed and it is now the day we've all waited for, July 22!!

"Guys I can't believe this day is finally here! Last night I was so excited I couldn't sleep!" Lexi tells us, very excited.

"Same here. But that's only cause someone couldn't fall asleep and decides to text me all night," Xavier says, directing the 'someone' at me.

"Hey you could've put your phone on silent, and just ignore me. Don't blame this on me." I put my hands up, so everyone sees its not my fault.

"And have you mad at me today? No way!" Xavier laughs at me. It's true I probably would've gotten mad at him if he didn't reply. And that wouldn't have been a great start to our road trip.

After 20 minutes of packing the van, we are officially ready. All we need is to get everyone in the van and stay. That might be just as hard as getting the luggage in.

"Ok guys load up!" I yell at everyone and only Calvin listens. I was quite surprised that it was him to be first in, but that kid is full of surprises.

Kayleigh and Lexi were 'arguing' with Hunter. It was fighting but more like trying to pick fights with each other, just to annoy one another.

"Guys! Come on! I'll leave you here if you guys don't come!"

They don't even acknowledge me, except for Xavier, who just came out of the house after locking up.

Both Xavier and I jump in the car. Xavier being in the passenger side and me beside him, starting up the van.

I was about to drive away, but Lexi had realized that I was leaving and all three of them ran towards us. I knew that would get them to stop and get in the van! I can be smart sometimes. Sometimes...

"We are here! Don't leave with out us!" Kayleigh yells. But I keep driving away, out of the driveway and down the street.

"Um...Ellie I think we are missing part of the crew...?" Calvin says laughing.

"Oh are we? Oops sorry!" I say innocently, and slam on the breaks.

Hunter, Lexi, and Kay were all panting while jumping into the van.

"Did you not see us?!" Kayleigh exclaims still trying to catch her breath. Let's just say Kay was more on the smarts side than the athletic side.

"Nope!" I say popping the 'p'.

"Jerk..." Kayleigh mumbles just enough for me to hear.

"Ok guys this is actually happening!!! We are on our way to Florida! Omigosh! I'm so excited!" Lexi exclaims with pure joy on her face. I think we were all so happy that the day is here, for us to start this adventure.

"Oh crap!" I exclaim.

"What is it?" Hunter ask me, worry on his face.

"I forgot to text my Aunt. I was gonna do that. Oops."

"Really?! That's what you forgot? That's not that big of deal just text her now." Calvin tells me.

"Ya. I thought you forgot this major thing and the whole trip was gonna fall apart." Kayleigh tells us, and we all burst out laughing.

"Hey Xavier can you text my aunt? Just tell her we re on our way," I ask him while handing him my phone.

"Your such a Worrywart," Calvin calls Kayleigh.

"Buttface!" Kayleigh shoots back, which made me laugh because Kayleigh didn't like to swear so she just used butt instead.

They call each other names continuously until Kayleigh says, "Babyface!" And the whole van starts laughing.

Calvin hated that name. We started calling him that when we were in grade 9 because we found a picture of him when he was little. And he still had the same face shape and everything. So Xavier called him that and it just caught on.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Calvin pouts like a three year old.

"Guys! We forgot something!" Lexi yells.


"A SELFIE!" Lexi hands Xavier her phone and he takes a picture of us all. Then we took a funny one.

I thought he was done but apparently not. I heard the click go one last time, and I looked quickly over at Xavier to see who it was of.

"Xavier! Ew let me see it!" I exclaim after I found out it was of me. He showed it to me and I scrunch my nose, it looked super weird.

"Take a better one." I say while going into a pose. I put one hand on the wheel and one in the air to the peace sign. I also open my mouth wide, all while not taking my eyes off the road. I really don't want to crash, that would be a bad start to this trip.

He shows the picture to me and we both laugh.

"Hey can I have my phone back?" Lexi asks us and Xavier hands it back to her. She was quite protective of her phone ;)

We quickly stop at McDonald's because we didn't have anything before we left and we were all starving!

All three guys ordered a Big Mac, Kayleigh ordered a salad, Lexi ordered a wrap, and me, well I just ordered a Bacon McDouble. We had also ordered 3 large fries and 3 large pops. The drinks we would just share. Lexi and I, Xavier and Calvin, and Kayleigh and Hunter.

At first it was gonna be Xavier and I sharing because it was just easier that way, seeing as both of us were in the front. But that would also require Calvin sharing with Lexi. And that, well that wouldn't have gone over well.

We take our orders back into the van and head our way to Niagara Falls. We were planning to stop in on my gramma and papa, who lived in Niagara and then cross the boarder there.

"We've made it." I say to no one in particular, to be honest I don't think anyone is listening, "We're on our way to Florida."

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