(NSFW) An Intimate Morning in Bed with Kei - Part 6

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I woke up the following morning with the greatest sensation one can feel. I first take a peek at the time and it was around 8:00 AM and then to my right, I see a curled up Kei Karuizawa, naked indulged around my arm and body as she had me in a tight hold.

 I certainly could not complain in the slightest and the sheer softness of her body and the truly pleasant scent she gave off made my day start off as perfect as can be. This was my first time I've experienced something like this and it's something I want to feel for a long time coming with the girl currently next to me, sleep talking away. 

"K-k-iyooo takaa~~ don't leeavvee mee...~~" she murmered away while she was still sleeping.

So cute... I thought to myself and what a precious sight to the eyes. Seeing this, I just couldn't bring myself to get up out of bed and instead I just laid there, soaking in all the pleasure and feelings of this girl beside me.

Her long blonde hair, disheveled and messy in a very attractive way and well her breasts... they were right up against me, squishing against my bare chest while she peacefully slept like there was no tomorrow. Such a soft feeling reminded me of last night when we were at it and I have to say... the pleasure I received from Kei's body last night was something unknown to man kind.

How do I phrase this, her perfectly toned body, even thought it seems like she doesn't, she's clearly put work and dedication behind reaching the shape her body is in right now. Her rear side was something that had all the curvature and softness in the world which entertained my male part with the full extent of her jaw-dropping beauty and her skill  she showed with many parts of her body last night.

Before I knew it, I look down at Kei with her eyes sleepy but open as she glared right up at me with the cutest of smiles on her face. It seems she was aware of where she was and didn't become flustered in any way, is this maturity??

"K-kiyotaka, good morning to you..." She slowly says to me but her face was quite red now.

"You're awake finally Kei, I didn't want to wake you up so I've been enjoying this moment until you woke up." I tell her

"Enj-joying huh... speaking of that... last night was.. was I good enough for you?" She asks me...

She was more than good enough, I'm sure she's in pain right now actually but she's trying her best to cover it up.

"I had more than fun, the question is how about you? Are you okay?" I ask her.

"I've never been better, last night was... something I want to feel a million times over again with you." 

Bold of her, but I like that sometimes. It seems she wasn't done with me yet though as she slowly glanced  down my body and looked at something that happens in the morning with all boys. Morning wood as they call it, and It's not like I could help it either way with her body all over me currently. 

"You've taken interest to something it seems... Kei?" I ask her.

I've often heard that morning sex is a popular thing, I wonder if I'll experience that this right now and my question was to be answered shortly. 

"C-can I help out with that...? It's not like you can go outside walking with it in that state... I've read that all boys have it in the morning so it's normal! " She says as she eyes down my male part. 

Oh Kei... I'm pretty sure I'd still be hard even if it wasn't morning and we were in this situation I mean, you're basically naked on my body right now. I think to myself 

"If you want to, I'm not stopping you, I do have some things to take care of today so I can't step out like this after all..." I reply jokingly

"I'll help myself then... Kiyotaka." She says rather seducingly 

I position myself a bit upwards as she slowly moves down my body and to my crotch area. Where then she slowly removed my boxers revealing my male part for the second time to her eyes. 

Her face was in awe, just like yesterday when she saw it for the first time.

"Kiyotaka... this... I still can't believe how abnormally large your piece is... It gave me trouble last night but I'll just have to get used to it I guess hehe..." She says while looking at and grinning.

I think we just discovered today that Kei has a high libido meaning a desire for sexual activity. I wonder how hard she had to hold her self back before tonight but it seems I have a high sex drive as well. Which works in the favor of both of us then since we both have the same interests in regards to sex...

She licks her lips as if she's about to enjoy a breakfast and slowly grabs ahold of my part with both of her hands as she stares right at it. 

Without speaking any further, she envelopes her lips around it and slowly sucks down on it, and starts toying with it for a little bit, almost as if she's teasing me for a short while before she starts moving her head back and forth, deriving me sensations that aren't explicable with mere words. 

She makes a slight pause and removes her mouth from it and asks me, 

"K-kiyotaka is this fine? I don't really know how this stuff works, it's basically my first time doing something like this.." She asks me.

"It's more than fine, your doing great" 

"O-oh that's good to hear, I'll continue then..."

Time went on and a part of me wants this moment to last for so long but there's only so long I can hold myself back from you know what.

I didn't do anything myself this morning, it was just Kei being all over me but it's fine, I don't think she'd be able to handle something like last night all over again.

We cleaned up and took a shower together then spent the remainder of the morning until 10:00 AM hanging around the room, talking about trivial things in life as we usually do and it would soon be time for business for me.

I have to thank to this girl at the end of all this, I'm only experiencing such new things because of her sheer love towards me and her willingness to do whatever it takes so I can complete my own mission. There's so much in life I want to continue experiencing with her but with my fate undecided, there's no way of knowing how long we stay together as I know that my days living the life of a free high schooler are numbered. 

I realize leisurely life like this on the ship wouldn't be possible forever for someone like me so I had to make full use of it with my time with Kei. 

After a bit of time, there was a knock on the door of the room. Mind you, we were in Kei's room right now and she shouldn't have been expecting anyone currently on the ship. 

Who could it have been? I knew hiding wasn't a option in such a compact space so I use my quick thinking to pull out some notebooks as if to make it seem like we were planning something as we are in the same class after all.

Kei very quickly tidy's up her look and puts on a quick ponytail to make it seem she's in her usual attire and self, when in reality she was in a very relaxed and messy look with me. 

"A-mouu no one should be here right now..." She quietly says loud enough so I can hear her.

"We'll make it seem like we were plotting something for our class, get your acting face on Kei."

"Blehh you don't have to tell me twice, rather you should put on some pants you exhibitionist" She tells me while holding back her laughter. Did she just call me that?

I had forgotten I was only in boxers right now so I quickly grabbed my pants and put them on and gave her the green light to open the door. I sat in front of the small desk with the books on top, making it seem like we were doing something resourceful. 

Kei slowly opens the door to the sight of... 

To be continued...

Yea I got no clue if my erotic writing is good or bad but it's been way too long since I've updated this story so here's a chapter for yall... lol

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