Chapter 11 It's Not Fair!

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I mention a lot of SC2 concepts so here is a list of all the stuff I mentioned in this chapter if you wanted to know more about what is being said and talked about (This is not entirely necessary to the story so feel free to skip):

Also I gave numbers so you can control+g and easily read this when they show up in the story all for your convenience.

(1) Minerals and Gas - These are the two resources that you use to make units in SC2

(2)Supply Cap - The maximum amount of units you are allowed to create in SC2

(3)Micro - Short for micromanage which is in short to control and command your units in a RTS game so it can refer to moving units, making units attack, and positioning units for defense

(4)+1 - Refers to the upgrade in the game that gives unites upgrades to armor and damage and is the primary research that every race and player in SC2 most likely gets in multiplayer games.

(5)ZvZ - Short for Zerg vs Zerg (1v1 match up). There are 3 playable races in SC and in 1v1s they each have different dynamics ZvZ is mentioned in the story because the Zerg faction are the closest of the three factions that can represent the wild animals that Rei finds herself against.

(6)Ling - Zergling (basic melee unit) Rei uses this term to refer to the Combat Drones in the story

(7)Bane - Baneling (Suicide bomber unit) Banelings are as stated a suicide bomber unit that is used in the early game of Zerg vs Zerg which can kill tons of Zerglings which are the other of the two units used in early game Zerg vs Zerg. Because of the dynamic between the lings and banes in ZvZ specifically they are the primary units used in ZvZ match ups this dynamic duo between the two is also called a ling - bane micro in SC2

(8)Ultra - Short for Ultralisk (Giant melee unit)

(9)Muta - Short for Mutalisk (Flying unit that shoots a bouncing projectile called a Glaive Wurm) Also any unit that can fly in SC is called a flyer though some people do not call units that are an air unit but doesn't attack as a flyer

(10)Med Evac Harass - A tactic that bitch ass terran players use. (A med evac is a air transport unit that can transport troops and heal them and is commonly used to drop troops near and enemy have them fight, grab them, run, then heal those damaged units, and repeat the process)

(11)Marine Ball - A mass of the terran unit called marines that clump together to do the maximum amount of damage if you have enough they resemble a ball hence the name

(12)Stalkers - A protoss unit that can teleport short distances one of the go to units of an Early game Protoss player

(13)Void Rays - An aerial protoss unit that shoots a laser beam at whatever it feels like and is another go to of a Protoss player for the early game

Why is it so hard to find some good food around here?

Like I only managed to kill a bunny once and now I can't seem to find anymore anywhere.

Well looks like it's back to eating grass...

I mean it's surprisingly nutritious. I don't know why but the red plants around here are quiet filling but are completely tasteless.

God I think I'm going insane eating nothing but plants seriously I have nothing against vegans but Jesus no one can live eating only grass and leaves for weeks. I've been forced to be a vegan and it's not fair at all!

Man what I would do for a hamburger right now. Yes a juicy hamburger without any nasty vegies like lettuce or god forbid... tomatoes. Any red food at this point would trigger a ptsd flashback in me.

Eat Die Evolveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن