Chapter 6 Belly of the Beast

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I never realized but the forest is eerily silent as of the past few days. Also there has been less and less animals around. I've been getting hungrier because of it. I started to eat plants in the area and from what I can tell they are rich in mana. It seems this whole place is rich in mana. Too bad I still haven't found out how to use it. I really hit a roadblock when it comes to the whole magic thing.

Water is still a problem since I have to trek just to get a drink at the nearby river. And speaking of which my fitness and strength are still garbage. I get muscle sores almost every other day.

And my back hurts. The rocky ground is horrid for sleeping on and I haven't gotten a great solution around it. I can pile up leaves and grass but it's only a band aid on the problem not a solution.

But moving off my physical problems: my clothes are all torn. I know I probably shouldn't be too conscious considering my circumstances but more skin is showing that I like, and the nights are noticeably colder.

Ugh and my hair it's messy and I have no soap to clean it. I probably smell terrible too. I've tried to bathe but I'm too uncomfortable and nervous to bathe in the river for prolonged periods of time.

So yeah it has been a shit couple of days for me. Sometimes I just want to lay down all day and do nothing but if I do that I'll probably die.

Oh yeah and in terms of defending myself I have only myself to rely on, and I mean that in many different ways. I was able to make it so I have some tools, but they are made out of my bones. So yeah more about my weird evolutionary power is that I can shape stuff if I wait long enough and concentrate. It took hours to make simple tools but it is better than having nothing so I can't complain. What I did make so far was a long femur with a pointed end that functions as a spear, a machete looking blade but I got impatient near the end so the handle it the end of a bone (But then again it works just fine so no biggie), knife pinkie except this time I dethatched it so we don't have a repeat of the last incident, and a bucket made purely out of an ex-ribcage.

Don't even get me started on how long it took just to make a bucket. I went through so many different designs for it. So the thing about molding bones is that it is really hard to change the shape and picking a part of the body that looks like the intended tool helps cut down time a lot. So I was just like ribcage right should be easy? Wrong first of all the ribcage is attached to so many things important and it took a day just to replace the ribcage and get the old one out. After that it took another day just to mold it into a bucket, and all this time I had to sit there and fully concentrate on making it. Yeah also known as the most boring thing I've ever done in my life. I actually said screw it like the machete and now there is a very obvious looking spine which functions as the handle. I got that by literally just ripping the spine off the ex-ribcage and fusing it back on. And I have a nice little lid for it made out of the shoulder blades.

The construction was bad mainly because I used to be queasy on gore. However the key word being used. Over the past couple days I've seen enough of my body to last for a long time. Heck I don't even want to throw up after looking at my intestines anymore.

But hey I got tools and they make life so much easier. The bucket contains a lot of water and the best thing is that I can connect it to myself to make it easier to carry around takes a bit but who wants to carry a whole gallon of water on an hour long trek through a hostile forest. Not me that's for sure.

Also I think connecting to that centipede was a horrible idea. I keep finding myself having centipede thoughts to put it lightly. Like for some reason when I look at certain bugs I get the urge to tear their fucking head off and eat them. And um sometimes I absentmindedly kill random bugs when I just am being lazy specifically things that centipedes eat for some odd reason.

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