Chapter 5 Otherworlder

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I lay on a white bed. Sheets draped over my frail old body. A slow beep signaling my heart was still working echoes through an empty room.

Life was hard. Hard on my family, and also on my sister and I. I guess in a way they tried to shield me from the stuff that went down, but I could tell they were suffering.

Dad and Mom would always come home looking tired, so tired. Sis tried to help the burden with them a lot she got a job early in life and I would start to see the same pain in her that I could see with in my parents.

I always remember trying to cheer them up and being the light in the darkness for them. It worked, but I always wanted to do more for them, but they just never let me. Told me to live the best life I could, but I always felt horrible just sitting there and watch them work themselves to the bone. 

Still life wasn't all that bad. We started to get better.

Sis got into college, got a job, and her own life.

Mom and Dad found stability, and payed off all their debts.

I got into college got a job and lived pretty well.

I even met my beautiful wife, and hit it off until we were a couple. It was going so well...

Then my family got the news that my sister had been killed.

When I heard the news I was livid. I was angry, beyond anything I had ever felt in my life. My sister was fucking dead. And I didn't have anyone to blame. The bullet that struck her heart had hit some car and deflected into her. The person who fired the bullet was a police officer and wasn't even aiming for her. More over he felt guilty over the accidental killing.

It was just unlucky. An unlucky tragedy that struck us without a clear way to recover and move on.

Losing family is not something you can describe to someone who has not lost a family member. And even worse losing a sibling is a pain that I would wish upon no one on this earth.

Losing her was for me like trying to learn to live all over again. It was as if I had lost a limb and was trying to live my life working around the problem.

Her passing hurt all of us, but it hurt my mother took it the worse. I will never forget how much she screamed and cried during my sister's funeral. No parent should ever live to see their children die.

After her funeral I aimlessly wandered through most of my early life.

I was at the lowest point in my life. In my misery I turned to temporary pleasures. Smoking and drinking became a way to numb the pain from my sister's absence.

My girlfriend thank god fucking put me back on my feet. She was there the entire time to help me, and it took so long for me to just get my shit together. But bless her heart she stayed with me through thick and thin and through all my bullshit.

But even after all the recovery I never did get over her death. I don't know how someone could when they were so close to her. My sister was fun to be around, smart, and everything I wish I was. Maybe it's just sibling talk but I found myself envying much about her and wished I was more like her. Hell both of us were competitive too, and at times I would just challenge her just so I could show her how much her little brother had grown.

Through her early life she was something of a tom boy. I guess it was just because she had to grow up fast but she did things on her own. Her and I when we were really young were bad kids I remember she got into fights and I was a temperamental little piece of work back then. But we were just dumb kids doing kid stuff back then who could blame us? And I'd be lying if to this day I don't get a kick out of some of the hell me and sis razed back then.

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