Chapter 7 The Painter Prince

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"What can be certain is that All Heroes have unique powers that change our fundamental understanding of how magic is used and created."

The lecture room full of high class nobles remains silent listening to their teacher as he trends along the area around his podium with authority.

"Take for instance the first hero. Couldn't be killed by any physical means nor magical. He imparted unto us knowledge that created spells like Truth of Word or the one you all are familiar with Magic Shielding."

A red haired student in the back of the room idly fiddled with his book in front of him. The Title read, History of the Heroes.

As he fiddles with his book slowly zoned out the teacher's lecture as he began to daydream when he is suddenly jabbed in the shoulder.

Reflexively the young man looks to who did it and sees his friend, a blond haired noble named Tyuan. The blondie motions to the front in an attempt to make his friend focus on the lesson.

"You damn goody two shoes." The redhead mutters under his breathe as he refocuses on the teacher.

"A common theory that has been made to explain how the Hero's have got their individual powers is that it is connected with the last thoughts of each hero. Flip to Page five and you will see the recorded last words of each of the four heroes."

The male student obediently flips to the page as told along side the rest of his class. For a moment the room is filled with the sound of turning pages.

Last Words of the Heroes

"I wish everyone wouldn't fight so much."

- Minato Hirai, 1st Hero

"Why the hell do people keep destroying good buildings?"

- Ellias Müller, 2nd Hero

"I hope my kids will be fine without me."

- Thomas Smith, 3rd Hero

"I wish someone loved me."

- Shichirou Akasofu, 4th Hero

"Here you shall see the last words of all the Four heroes. Now who can tell me how the First Hero's last thoughts relate to his power?" The teacher asks looking around the room and waiting for a student to speak.

A female voice from the front quickly speaks up at the opportunity, "His last words were that he wished everyone to stop fighting and as such he couldn't be killed through violence, and not only that but he also spent his life here trying to quell wars and quarrels."

"Very good, Bari. Yes as you can see all of the Heroes have a power that relates to what their last thoughts were."

Quickly gazing at the time keeper the teacher turns back, "Now enough about the four heroes you will be hearing all about them for the rest of your lives. As you are all aware there are two years."

Turning to a floating crystal the teacher places his hand upon it and a two dimensional board appears made of visible light.

As soon as it appears instantly a diagram appears.

As soon as it appears instantly a diagram appears

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