Chapter 1

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Comments, Fans, Votes appreciated :)

The romance/action etc. will come later on, obviously X)Oh and just because it's a vampire story.. doesn't mean it's gonna be like Twilight.. no sparkly vampires. Even though I have nothing against Twilight. So give it a chance, 'cause there will be twists and suchhh. 

Enjoy <3

What would you do if you woke up one day, suddenly realizing there's no humans to be found?

Well that's what happened to me.

''Mom?'' I called out, expecting a reply, but recieved nothing.

I searched all around my house, but my family isn't here. I looked in every bedroom and bathroom, yet still found no one. That's strange though considering their cars are still parked in the driveway.

Then I realized something else.

It's awfully quiet. Not just in this house, but outside too. I would usually hear cars driving by in the morning, plus, today's wednesday. The garbage truck is suppose to be here, making that obnoxiously loud beeping noise as it stops at every house down the block.

I anxiously ran out the door throwing on a pair of sneakers. As soon as I reached the porch to the front of my house, I froze. Nobody was here. The neighborhood looked dead and abandoned with no cars driving by or people walking on the sidewalk like there usually is every morning. And ironically the sky's gloomy, with the broken clouds creating a shield around the sun, preventing it from lighting up these dreary streets.

What's going on?

I began sauntering down the block, looking in all directions for someone, anyone, while the autumn leaves fell from the trees onto my tense face. Why is it so abandoned? Am I going crazy, or is this just a dream? Yep, of course,, it's a dream, a very vivid dream. There's no other resonable explanation for the unknown disappearance of people. Just one interesting dreams.

I hastily pinched my arm, wanting to wake up from this strange dream. I closed my eyes shut, preparing to wake up in my soft bed, then having to go to school. I sprung my eyes open. I'm still outside in the middle of the street. Okay, maybe I didn't pinch myself hard enough. I gripped my skin tightly between my pointer finger and my thumb, praying that this time it'll work. But when I opened my eyes, once again, I'm still in the same spot I was. Damn...

Alright, so it's not a dream... Then I must be losing my mind, because this just isn't... real.

I sound stupid for thinking that nobody in town is here... That's just bizarre and unreal. I mean, this isn't something that happens every day. Yep, I'm just... going crazy, I guess.

''Hello?!'' I shouted aloud, but no sounds were made.

I started biting on my lower lip until it bleed, thinking of probable causes. There is no logical cause though. How could nobody be in this neighborhood. Did I miss a memo or something?

Wait a minute, maybe it's only this block, for some odd reason. I guess it wouldn't hurt to check down another block, might as well. I sprinted down 7th street, gazing in circles, still seeing and hearing no one. It was completely silent, with the exception of the birds hovering above me, chirping away at nothing.

This is impossible. It doesn't make sense. At all. It's just so... random.

I glanced down the block, in the direction of the highschool I attend. Students are suppose to be going into the building now. Why aren't there teenagers crowding around the front of the building gossiping? This isn't right. I'm so confused. How could I wake up one morning, not being able to find anyone? Anyone at all.

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