Chapter 10: Fight Club: Part 4

Start from the beginning

Jerry: You're talking out of your ass Croc.

Croc: *Groan* I'm just going to presume and say that you somehow managed to injure yourself before tonight's fight... Which is why you're not fighting as well as you usually do

[Croc walks past Jerry and towards where he was standing earlier.]

Croc: I highly doubt someone managed to injure you to the point where you can't normally fight, so I'm betting you hurt yourself at your workshop or something else stupid...

[He then starts walking away from Jerry, seemingly heading towards a closed door.]

Croc: Last round Warner... Make it count...

[Jerry waves off Croc's remarks by literally waving him away.]

Jerry: Yea, yea...

[Croc grabs onto the door handle and opens it. He walks through and closes it behind himself. Jerry watches Croc leave the room silently. He looks forward toward the lockers in front of him. He lets out a groan and rubs his left shoulder. He starts to unwrap the cloth once again from his left shoulder. He unwraps the cloth down to his left elbow and sees that the skin there has also turned purple and seems to be swelling. Jerry stops unwrapping the cloth and rubs his forehead with his right hand.]

Jerry: Fuck... It just keeps getting worse...

[He moves his left hand in front of himself and looks at it closely. It seems to be painful just to move around. He unwraps the cloth down to his hand and turns his arm over to get a look at the other side of it. It's in just as bad of a condition as the rest of his arm.]

Jerry: *Sigh* I should probably pay Mink a visit when this whole ordeal is over... Though I have a feeling his way of helping me is going to be something extraordinarily fucking stupid...

???: What part about "stay in your room and relax" did you not understand?

[Jerry jumps in his seat, surprised by the unexpected voice. He looks to his left where the voice came from and sees Asher standing next to him with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth. Asher grabs his cigarette and takes it out of his mouth. He blows out some smoke and holds the lit cigarette between his right hand's index and middle fingers.]

Asher: Pretty entertaining fight you put out there...

Jerry: Asher?! What the hell are you doing here?!

[Asher gestures around the room with his right hand.]

Asher: Thought I'd gamble a bit, see some people beat the shit out of each other...

[Jerry raises an eyebrow confused.]

Jerry: Really?

Asher: NO you fucking idiot! *Groan*

[Asher lets out a groan and walks over in front of Jerry.]

Asher: I came here looking for you dumbass...

Jerry: Wh- What? Why?

Asher: I knocked on your door to see if you were awake, when I found out you weren't in your room I scanned the entire workshop for you but came up empty-handed. I then remembered how shit the security is at your place and checked the front door to see if it was unlocked. Low and behold, it was...

Jerry: Alright... But why are you here? Actually, how are you here?

Asher: I went looking for you in the city since I figured that's where you went. Eventually, I saw some guy beating another guy up and just decided to follow him. One shady staircase later and I ended up in...

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