"Thank you."

I wait a few seconds before cautiously glancing back at him. I catch him smiling at himself. So he did understand my joke and, even if he didn't want to admit it, he enjoyed it! With a suppressed smile of my own, I stretch my arm over all the bowls and plates to pick up a strawberry with my fork. This is a good start to the day. A great start even!

After breakfast, I text Link that we are going to pick him up at noon. Father and I get dressed for golf. He insisted I wear the outfit he bought me years ago; a marine blue miniskirt, a white polo shirt, and a white visor cap. This doesn't feel like me. It's so... sportsy. I wonder if Link will like it more than my usual choice of fashion.

We leave the house at 11:30 AM. Ever since I got my driver's license, I have barely spent time with Father in one vehicle. It was always dreadful and something I tried to avoid at all costs. But today I somehow looked forward to it. He even keeps the radio off to converse with me during the drive.

I give him directions to the frat house, pretending he didn't find out its location by stalking me last year. When we get there, Link is waiting in the driveway, dressed as usual; black Adidas shorts, an Olympics t-shirt, and a black cap. He's wearing his knee brace too.

We park on the other side of the road. I lower the window and wave at him across the street. As soon as our eyes meet, his jaw drops and he walks over to us.

"Hey," I greet him joyfully.

"Nice car," he gasps, mesmerized by the design of the vehicle. Once he gets into the back, Father turns around to shake Link's hand.

"Good day, Link. Glad you could join us."

"Thanks for letting me come along today."

After a few minutes on the highway, I decide to turn on the radio to fill the silence but Father turns it down pretty immediately.

"So, Link," Father says, glancing at him in the rear mirror. "Have you played golf before?"

"Not much," Link answers. "I know the rules though."

"That is... a start," Father tries to be nice. I wish I was sitting in the back with Link. I'd secretly hold his hand, make our knees touch, and smile at him from the corner of his eyes.

The rest of the ride is fairly quiet. I try to start some small talk here and there, but it feels so forced that I decide to just stay quiet until we get there.

I haven't been to the country club in years. I only have bad memories of this place like Father yelling at me for using the wrong golf terms, while simultaneously talking business with his colleagues.

When we get out of the car, Father talks to the caddies and greets a couple of his 'friends'. Meanwhile, Link walks up to me to give me a quick hug.

"What's this for?" I ask pleasantly surprised.

"I wasn't able to properly greet you in the car," he smiles and whispers, "I'd kiss you if your dad wasn't around."

"I'd kiss you back," I blush.

"You look cute today by the way. I like it when your hair is up in the thingy," he says, pointing at his own hair.

"The thingy? You mean a ponytail?"

"Yeah," he laughs. "I like it like that." His fingers grab a few strands of my hair and awkwardly place it over my collarbone. "Sorry, I'm acting so weird," he chuckles. "I'm just happy to see you."

"It's only been a few hours," I quietly laugh, probably even more zealous to see him.

"I know. Still. I like being close to you." He bites his lip and takes in my whole appearance. Flustered, I tighten my hair and enjoy the sight of Link's flushed cheeks.

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