Lost (END)

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So....Um....Im On the bus.

And without further ado I bring you this chapter.

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It didn't take anymore than 3 seconds to find out that the bite mark was left by EXE. Maybe when they were running away? Who knows? At least they still know that holy water works. "Okay. We're going to the hospital tomorrow. Early in the morning. We're ending this." Amy said. "Got it!" They replied. That night, Tails had a nightmare about EXE. He.... Let's not go into detail. Not rape... Just...... Nevermind. Anyway, the next morning, Amy woke up Tails and Knuckles. "C'mon, guys!" , "Alright, let's go!" Tails replied. He wanted his brother back. They arrived at the hospital and opened up the door, not caring how much noise they were making. EXE heard this, and they heard footsteps running to the stairs. EXE. The Others got into Battle Stance. "Amy? Got that holy water ready?" Tails asked. "Yep. Now, STAY FOCUSED!". EXE came downstairs and saw the treo. "Hey, guys! What'cha doin'?" Amy went to go splash him, but got flipped over by EXE. "God doesn't need holy water! But thanks for the offer.". Knuckles tried, but was thrown into some boxes. Tails was the only one left. "YOU!!!! YOU'VE CAUSED ME SO MUCH PAIN! NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY!!!". Tails tried to run, but EXE grabbed his neck and was throwing him up against the wall. "Grrrr... You've caused me all of this pain knowing I didn't kill my target.". Tails' eyes widened. "Are you going to kill me?" Tails asked in fear. "No. No. No. I'm going to make you SUFFER." EXE said, gripping on alot harder. Tails looked at the holy water. Amy used the rest of her energy to throw the holy water at him. Tails grabbed it, looked into EXE's Godforsaken eyes, and said: "Where's your God now?" Followed by him pouring the holy water on him. "Ahh!!!" EXE screamed in pain. He let go of Tails and and put his hands on his face. Preferably his eyes. EXE gripped on to Tails and threw him against the wall. Hard. "YOU LITTLE BRAT! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!" EXE said, falling down. Tails tasted blood coming from his mouth. All of them looked down to see emerald green eyes looking down. "SONIC!!!" Tails said in joy, bending down to hug Sonic. "T-T-Tails... You saved me...." Sonic said, hugging him back. Amy and Knuckles both tried standing up, but couldn't. The two brothers were to busy hugging to notice. After awhile they found the energy to get up. All of them hugging and cheering. "We finally did it, guys!" Tails cheered. "We didn't do anything, YOU did." Amy said. "Yeah, you two did nothing." Sonic said. They both gave him a stern look. "Haha! I'm JOKING!" , "You better.". And then all of them went home. To Amy's house that is, they needed more holy water. "Next time you have a cold, I'll be sure to use this holy water." Tails said to Sonic, both of them walking home. Sonic chuckled at him and ruffled his fur. Sonic the Hedgehog was BACK! And he wasn't going anywhere.


It took awhile before Amy, Knuckles, and Tails could gain the trust they had before, but after awhile they trusted him again. Or at least TAILS did, Amy and Knuckles both had some questions. Sonic wasn't arrested for murdering all of those patients and doctors. Nor did he get the deseise ever again. Even though threats will come and go, Sonic was Sonic. And no one could change that.

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And that's it. This chapter was LONG nearly 600 words! Hope you enjoyed this series. Authors note will be up later. Thanks for reading!

Sonic and Tails: FOuNd yOuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ