Your Too Slow!

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I'm not sure if I have any news.... Thats a first. Look on the bright side, more story. "WE DONT CARE ABOUT THE AUTHORS NOTE!!! BRING ON THE STORY!!!" - Hater.

Well, that won't upset me, because remember what Einstein said.

"They hate us, cuz they ain't us " - Einstein

Whatever, without further ado I bring you this chapter! And yes, I know I'm not original. But Zoro is.

_____ _ _ _ _(HALVSY!!!!)

Amy heard the commotion coming from outside. She already knew that the plane engine she heard was Tails. She rushed outside trying to see the people who landed on her yard. She saw a fox and an echidna. Tails and Knuckles. "Hey guys! What's up?" She said, walking up to them. "Nothing much, it's just..." Knuckles said, trailing off. Tails didn't have a problem saying it, though. "Somthing is wrong with Sonic." He said with a serious look on his face. "What?" Amy asked in worry. "We... I.... I don't know what, but he's been sick for the last 2 weeks and...." He said,looking down at the ground."I don't know what. We just need to get the others.". Amy all most cried because she was so worried. (Dem Feels). Amy wanted to know what was going on. "Ok! Before you take me ANYWHERE, Take me to Sonic!" She said with anger and worry. "We CANT!" Tails and Knuckles said. "I want to see him!" She said, running towards the tornado. "Amy DONT!" Tails said running up to the Tornado. But it was no use, (Silver refrence. Sonic06) Amy had already flew off. Tails knew she was going to the hospital because of how he said he was sick. At first he wasn't worried, but then Knuckles asked the burning question: "Does she even know how to FLY it?". Both of them dashed for the hospital.

Yaaaaay! And sorry this update took so long, some kid wanted to play my phone today and yeah. And yes, it's about 7:15 where I live and I'm tired and my brain isn't working like it normally is. Seya in z net tapter!

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