Nowhere to Run

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Amy couldn't sleep that night. She kept thinking about how she might not see the REAL Sonic again. Her BOYFR- I mean her FRIEND! What if? Amy ditched the depressing thought and focused on going to sleep. "Amy!" Sonic said. Amy was OVERJOYED to see her love. "Yes, Soniku?" (Oh, God.) "Jump in this ring with me!" Sonic said, jumping into the ring. Amy ran to the ring, but noticed somthing that made her stop. Was the ring GREY? The giant rings were always YELLOW! So why was this one- Amy just tried to forget and jumped inside. She was in the typical "Special Zone". After bouncing around for a few minutes, she saw Sonic bouncing around near the Goal, jumping inside. Amy gladly followed. But when she flew through, EXE appeared and said "I Am God.". Amy awoke from her deep sleep out of breath and scared. She heard sizzling coming from the kitchen, indicator that Tails was cooking. (She knew it was Tails, because Knuckles didn't know how to operate a stove.). She took a deep breath, yawned and stretched, then went into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Tails?" Amy said walking into the kitchen. "Ah! You didn't have to do that." Amy said at the site of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon! (MY FAV BREAKFAST! OM NOM NOM! IM HUNGRY! IT'S 12:32!!!) "No, I insist. You had a rough day yesterday.", " I had a bad day? Tails, not trying to scare you but, EXE wants to kill YOU!" , " Yeah I know. But I thought I'd cook you breakfast!" , "Tails, you passed out from blood loss yesterday." Amy said strictly. "And you still want to cook for us?". Tails didn't awnser for awhile, then said "Yep!". Amy chuckled and went to see if Knuckles was awake.


It's storming right now.

Sonic and Tails: FOuNd yOuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant