Is This Reality?

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Tails tried sc- wait a minute. Author note first. Let's see here... Info....Info..... I love M&Ms.... Oh yeah! Check out R41N8OW s Q and A. It's been updated!

(On the inside)


(On the outside)

So yeah, check it out

Okay. NOW where getting to the story. Without further ado I bring you this chapter.
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Tails tried screaming, but it was muffled by the hand that grabbed him. Tails looked up, expecting to see an enemy, but instead saw Knuckles.(HA! You thought it was Sonic.EXE, Didn't you? Raise your hand if you did. :raises hand: okay, back to the story.) "Knuckles?" Tails said, through a muffled voice. "BE QUIET." Knuckles said, but quietly. "Your going to get us caught.", "By who?" Tails whispered. "Sonic." Knuckles said. "But wouldn't that be a good thing?" Tails asked. No awnser. Tails was starting to get worried. What was wrong with Sonic? Tails was determined to find out. "Knuckles? What's wrong with Sonic?", "I-i-... I can't tell you that. Not now, anyway." He said, pulling Tails out of the hallway and back to the stairs. "Quickly!" Knuckles accidently yelled. That's when both of them heard the running sound of Sonic. Tails was happy, Knuckles was trying to run FASTER. They both ran when they heard a "Tails? Buddy? Was that you?" Coming from a friendly voice. Sonic. Except it sounded a bit scratched up. Almost as if he had a sore throat. "THATS SONIC!" Tails said, stopping. "NO! IT'S NOT SONIC!" Knuckles said, pulling harder. But Tails wouldn't let go. Both of them heard the dashing noise getting closer. Knuckles gave one final tug when he saw that... That THING was face to face with Tails. "Hey, buddy! How's it going?". Tails screamed when he saw that blood was pouring from Sonic's eyes. Knuckles pulled on Tails' arm and Tails Finnaly went with him. But That Thing was right on there tails (yes, a Tails joke, was it funny? No? Okay.) Knuckles pulled Tails out of the hospital, both of them running towards the Tornado. Tails flew away. Looking down at the cartridge of Sonic looking up at them. Once they were in the air Tails asked Knuckles: "Is this reality?", "I'm afraid so, Tails.". A depressed look came over Tails' face. "What happend to Sonic?". Knuckles took his sweet time awnsering. "Somthing horrible. I don't have much information yet. But I'm going to get some. Just fly to Amy's house. We need to tell her.". Tails waited a minute before awnsering, then replied "Okay." As both of them flew off, abandoning there best friend.


Cliffhanger. Yay. Next one up shortly (as always.)

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