Mark of The Beast

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Hey guy! Little bit of a rough day today. But I'm fine and I'm back to writing stories. Thank you R41N8OW for helping me through the day!

And without further ado, I bring you this chapter.
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"Wait? You mean to tell me this is a DESEISE?" Knuckles asked, astonished. "Well, according to the file, EXE is a desiese that attacks the brain, causing the person infected with it to lose there mind. And in some cases can even make them go... Satanic.". Knuckles looked blown away by what Tails had just said. Sonic? Satanic? Never! He wanted NOTHING to do with that! Never! Ever! "Can he get arrested for murdering all of those patients and doctors?" Amy asked. (Right as I'm making this part an ambulance is driving by my house. Weird. And there's ALOT of cops, too. Creepy. I think EXE is trying to kill me for making such a cheesy story about him. Oh well.) "I don't think so. Let's look it up." Knuckles said. Amy and Tails face palmed there self, followed by a "Why didn't I think of that?" From both of them. They could've done that the ENTIRE TIME!!! 'We're such IDIOTS!' They both thought. Too late nOw. "AnywAy, letS gO..." Tails said. The two peered at him worriedly. "Tails? You okay?" Amy asked. "NeVeR bEeN bEtTeR." Tails said. The two just ignored him, going to see if Sonic was going to jail or not. They got on there hospital's website and read an article called "EXE".

EXE|A very powerful desiese that causes the person infected to lose control of there mind and body. Sort of like a bad version of sleep walking, the person infected only sees black for a short few seconds until he/She wakes up. And, in very rare cases, can cause the patient to go satanic causing them to say things like "I am God, 666, ETC.". A man named John Rholder said that he only saw black for a few seconds, before waking up. He had the Satanic EXE and even murdered a few bystanders. He wasn't convicted of the crime because he had the deseise. One way to cure this deseise is to get a bible, holy water, and a cross to get rid of this vital deseise. And for normal EXE, just give the person infected a few painkillers, and they should be back to normal. We hope this article helped you - Mobius Hospital.

And that was the end of the article. Amy and Knuckles had been reading, but Tails was pacing back in forth in the living room. Amy saw this and gave a worried expression to Tails. "Tails? Are you okay?", "666" Tails replied. They both looked at him. He had black eyes and red pupils, and was crying blood. Amy ran to the back kitchen and pulled somthing out from under the kitchen sink. Holy water. "The mark of the beast." Tails said, getting splashed. He then turned back to normal. "GAH! Hey! What's the big idea?", "How did you get that bite on your arm?" Amy said, pointing at the bite. "So that's why you were going all crazy psycho bonkers." Knuckles said. "Sorry." Tails said, looking down and rubbing his bite mark. "It's alright. Now let's get some sleep."


Thanks again, R41N8OW!

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