As I went more inside I thought of what to do? like no one is here so should I sit down and wait for her or should I just look around the room but that would be bad manners. so I thought I would sit down on one of the sofa chairs and wait for her.

"there you are. I was hoping you would come to me one day and it took you long enough my darling." I heard an intimidating voice with a hint of feminine in it as I looked behind me to see her standing in the doorway of the bathroom looking at me with a wide smile on her face. She had black turtle neck with a black suit pants and a big white coat on. She had a powerful aura surrounding her making everyone who looked at her cover in fear but not me. I knew the real her.

My mom and I were the only one who knew her real side, the soft side

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My mom and I were the only one who knew her real side, the soft side.

"Aunt Elisa." I said and ran towards her hugging her so hard but she just laughed and pat my head hugging me back and kissing me on the forehead before we both pulled away.

"My my look at you being so grown into a handsome young woman. I thought I'll never get to see that devil face of your again. I missed you so much, my love." She said as she examined my face before kissing me again all over my face making me push her playfully. She pulled me to sit beside her on that large sofa.

"What happened to your arm? Did that asshole man called father of yours did this to you? I'll slice him in pieces. I had told father to just kill him because you would never ask for help from us but that grandpa of your said that one day you will come here for the thing that you are the rightful owner of." She said and I looked her.

"No, I got this from when I fell during my basketball match. Father has nothing to do with this. I know he is an asshole but he is in pain after what happened with mom and he can't seem to come out of it. I just pity him for the state he is in." I said as I remember how I heard his cries in night as he hold the family photo of ours in his hand. He still loves me but his pain of losing my mom had affected him so much that he's doing things he never thought of.

" If that's true then I shall spare him for now. Now tell me, what can I do for you? Do you want a house or a model or car? What do you want? just tell and I'll get it for you." She said as I just laughed before looking at her seriously.

"I wanna be like you and grand father." I said with determination in my eyes. She looked shocked before she smirked and pat my back.

"The day has come." That's the only thing she said.

"I also came for one more thing." I said and she looked at me now with a small smile on her face.

"What is it? Tell me"

"Someone is following me for many days. He/she keeps tracks on me and follows me everywhere I go. Even when I had messaged you that time also they were following me. I want to find out who they are? Can you help me aunt?" I said as I looked at her and now she smiled wide.

"Of course I'll help you. I'll send my man to track that person down. Don't worry they won't get away from doing this." She said and reassured me. I smiled and I remembered something.

"This is that person's mask I found yesterday." I said and hand her the mask. Once she inspected it she looked at me wide eyes.

"Are you sure it's the same mask of the person who's following you?" She asked me and I could see her jaw clenching and unclenching indicating she was angry at something.

"Positive. But what happened? Do you know this mask?" I asked and she looked at me hesitating whether to say it or not.

"You know about me and your grandpa right? You know who we are right?" She asked me and I nod my head.

"Yes, I know you are the mafia of the underworld. You are like the most dangerous mafia after our grandpa." I said. I knew who my family is. My mother she was the daughter of the world's cruelest and merciless person but not for his family. He was very nice and kind with his family he loved my mom and aunt Elisa dearly and ofcourse his wife.

"Your mother never liked the idea of your grandpa being the mafia and killing people. She lost it when she heard that I was going to follow his footsteps and going to be the next heir of our underworld leader. That's why she ran away with your father and cut ties with us because she didn't want to put you and your brother in any danger. We tried to reason her but she just told us to stop bothering her. After many years later when you were like 6 years old you started to ask question about your grandpa and grandma. You always wanted to meet them and your mother couldn't say anything. That's why in the last she thought she would take you both to us and that's how you met us." She said as I listen intently. I knew mother never liked the profession of aunt and grandpa. But I was always fascinated by it and I always wanted to be like them. Fearless, rutheless, daring, protecting your loved ones.

"But you don't know one thing about your mother's real reason behind her death." She said and that made me look at her confused. The real reason?

"The time when you were born your mother used to talk with us. When your grandpa saw you he immediately knew you were going to be the future leader of the underworld. You were the next heir. Enemies of mine and your grandpa came to know about you. That lead to various types of attacks to kill you and your brother. When your mother realise why this was all happening she ran away with your father. After that no one knew about where you went so they stopped. But one day one of our rivals found your mother and they decided to kill her in a way that no one would know that it was intentional. The day she died it was all planned, the stealing, the hostage, the act of pulling her outside and you running up to save her. They knew it all because they had planned it all." She said with tears in her eyes and I also started to cry but the next thing she said made my blood boil and made my thirst for blood rise. That sentence made me want to be the next ruthless and merciless gangster, leader of underworld they have ever seen.

"That day your mother died saving you. They weren't after her, you were the one they wanted to kill. And she knew about it."

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