Chapter 1:

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Third Person's POV
Shikamaru was laying on his usual bench while watching the clouds and eating chips with his best friend, Choji.
-" That one looks like a rabbit."- Choji observed.
-" That one looks like a dog."- Shikamaru said.
-" That one looks like a pineapple... Or your hair."- Choji said and chuckled lightly.
-" That one looks like my mom. Hmph, what a drag."- Shikamaru said. That's how the two friends spent their free days. They would cloud-watch and eat chips, then they would meet with Ino or some other friend, and then they'd go back to cloud watching or Choji would leave and Shikamaru would take a nap. Shikamaru's eyes were currently closed and he was relaxing to the soothing noises of nature... And Choji munching chips. He lit a cigarette and placed it in his mouth, inhaling the deadly smoke that helped him relax. Suddenly, he heard someone walking towards them. He opened one eye to see who it was, only to find Rock Lee. He sighed. When relaxing, the last person he'd like to see was an exercise maniac.
-" Hm? What do you want?"- He asked, clearly pissed he had been disturbed.
-" Gomen Shikamaru-kun! But Lady Tsunade has summoned you!"- Lee said with a 'youthful' smile. Shikamaru rolled his eyes in annoyance.
-" Ugh. What a drag."- He said and stood up. -" Catch ya later for some barbecue?"- He asked Choji, making his friend smile.
-" Of course! You know I'm always up for barbecue!"- He said, happily. Shikamaru chuckled and left. As he arrived at Tsunade's office, he couldn't help but notice a particularly big cloud that was shaped like a fan. He admired its shape, but didn't stare at it for much longer. Instead, he kept walking towards Tsunade's office. He knocked slightly on the door only to be received with a harsh 'who is it?' from Tsunade. He winced at Lady Hokage's sternness, remembering the well-conserved, cranky old lady that was the leader of the village.
-" Uh... It's me. Shikamaru."- He said.
-" Come in."- Tsunade said. Shikamaru did as commanded and then closed the door behind him. -" I have a mission for you."- She said, wasting no time. Shikamaru sighed. Another mission?
-" Lady Tsunade... With all due respect, I'm a little worn out. I need to rest."- He said.
-" I'm sorry to hear that, but much to your relief for this mission you won't have to get out of the village."- She said. He raised his eyebrows.
-" Am I going to teach at the academy or something?"- He asked with a horror-filled expression. Tsunade chuckled.
-" Of course not. As if I'd let you of all people near the children! Ha! No. You'll be guarding Suna's ambassador, who'll be staying in Konoha for a month."- She said.

Shikamaru's POV
"Suna's ambassador? Hm... Well that's an interesting task. I don't remember who it was, but I hope he's not too needy." I thought with a sigh.
-" Actually, she'll be here any second now."- Lady Tsunade said. I furrowed my eyebrows. A female? Great... Such a drag. Suddenly, a light knock on the door made us both shift our attention.
-" Who is it?"- Tsunade-Sama asked.
-" It's Suna's ambassador."- A too-familiar voice stated. I took a step back. No... Impossible...
-" Come in."- Tsunade said. The door opened painfully slowly until I found myself staring at a woman. Her blonde hair was tied in her usual four pigtails. She was wearing a black kimono with a red lace tied around her waist, black shoes that matched her outfit and her Suna ninja bandanna. She saw me and smiled a mischievous smile, her beautiful teal orbs narrowing into a thin line.
-" Hello crybaby."- She said mockingly.
-" ... Hi Temari."- I said awkwardly. I felt a faint blush raise to my cheeks. Had she always been this pretty?
-" Oh, good. How was your trip?"- Tsunade asked politely, making Temari's attention shift to her.
-" Tiring, but it was fine, thank you."- She said.
-" I'm glad to hear that. Now let's get down to business, shall we?"- Tsunade asked. Temari and I nodded.
-" Temari, your brother has requested that you are safe at all times so Shikamaru will be your guardian. He will stay with you at all times, except at night. I figured you'd like a little privacy at that time. Shikamaru will accompany you to all the meetings and stay outside, of course, and you will accompany him to all his missions. You will stay at Konoha's hotel. Your brother already paid for the suite. Understood?"- Tsunade asked. Temari nodded while smirking. -" Good. Dismissed!"- Hokage-Sama said and Temari and I left in a hurry. We were walking down the corridor in an awkward silence when the blonde Kunoichi started chuckling. I gave her a puzzled look.
-" What's so funny?"- I asked.
-" That you got suck with me for a whole month."- She said, smirking. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" I'll survive."- I said, uninterested. Her smirk widened.
-" So... How's life?"- She asked.
-" Troublesome. I've been going out on a lot of missions lately."- I said. Now she was the one to look at me weirdly.
-" Isn't that good? Money coming on a regular basis? Being occupied?"- She asked. I sighed.
-" I guess. But I'm a little worn out. How about you? How has your life been?"- I asked. She shrugged.
-" Boring. Ever since the war ended, Suna's been pretty peaceful. It's good for the citizens, but I'm yearning to have a good fight."- She whined. I chuckled.
-" We could spar if you want."- I suggested. She snorted.
-" What could a weakling like you possibly do to me?"- She asked. I clenched my fists.
-" Shut up and let me show you who's the weakling here."- I said. She smiled.
-" Deal crybaby."- She said, excitedly. And so, we headed to the training grounds.

We had been sparring for five hours or so, and I had to admit that Temari was strong. Her abilities had improved drastically since I had last seen her. Her fan moved in a more graceful manner and her attacks were stronger and harder to avoid. Suddenly, she stopped. I looked at her with a confused expression until she collapsed.
-" Temari!"- I shouted and rushed to her side. She chuckled and started to stand up.
-" Sorry crybaby, I'm tired from the trip. And I have to admit that sparring with you drained all the energy out of me. You're not so weak anymore."- She said, smirking. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" What do you mean by 'not so weak'? I'm strong!"- I complained. She laughed.
-" No you aren't. This only turned out the way it did because I'm tired."- She said. She took a step forward but started stumbling but I caught her before she hit the floor.
-" Ugh, you're so troublesome. I'll carry you."- I said and lifted her limp body off the ground.
-" Wait! What the fuck are you doing? Put me down Shikamaru! Now!"- She shouted, trying to wobble out of my grip.
-" No can do. You're too tired to walk. And you barely have any chakra left. I'll take you to dinner with Choji and me and then I'll take you to your hotel, hopefully you'll be able to walk by then. And stop moving so much! What are you, a fucking snake?"- I asked with an eye-roll. She pouted.
-" Hmph. Fine. Where are we having dinner?"- She asked.
-" We're going for some barbecue."- I said. She smiled.
-" Man, that sounds good. I'm starving."- She said. I smirked.
-" Good."- I said.

After a few minutes we were already sitting down. I set Temari in the chair beside me carefully and then stared at my empty plate. I didn't know what to talk about, so I simply let my mind drift. Bad decision. I started thinking about how much more... Um... Mature Temari had become. She had a particularly grown and beautiful body, which would make any of us guys drool.
-" Hey Shikamaru!"- I heard a masculine voice shout, bringing me back to reality. Choji sat down in front of us.
-" I'm glad you came."- I said, recovering from my little fantasy.
-" So... What did Tsunade want?"- He asked. I pointed at Temari and Choji widened his eyes. -" Temari! I didn't notice you here! How are you?"- He asked with a smile. Temari smiled back.
-" I'm fine. You?"- She asked.
-" Me too."- Choji said. A young, blonde waitress came to take in our order, and few minutes later Temari and I were sweat-dropping as Choji stuffed himself with barbecue. We were having a pleasant conversation, catching up, until Temari stood up.
-" Where are you going?"- I asked.
-" If you must know, I'm going to the restroom."- She answered with an eye-roll.
-" Are you okay by yourself?"- I asked, concerned. She smirked.
-" I think I can manage."- She said and left. I sighed and Choji smirked.
-" What?"- I asked as I took a sip of water.
-" Is it just me, or did Temari become the hottest Kunoichi ever?"- He asked and I blushed. He chuckled. -" It's not just me then."- He said.
-" What are you talking about? She's the same old troublesome Temari we all know. Nothing's changed."- I said. Ha. I didn't even believe it myself. Apparently, neither did Choji.
-" Yeah right. Shikamaru, it's pretty obvious you're itching to ask Temari out."- He said. Laughed half-heartedly.
-" I'm not! She's too troublesome."- I said. He chuckled.
-" If that's true, then I bet you won't get too surprised when all of our friends start asking her out."- He said. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" What makes you think they'll ask her out?"- I asked. He shrugged and continued eating. -" Choji?"- I asked with insistence. He looked at me, smirked and continued eating.
-" I'm back."- Temari said and sat back down, preventing me from insisting more.
-" I think we should get going. Your first meeting is tomorrow morning, and you need to rest."- I said and she nodded.
-" Hn. Well then. We should hang out some other time Temari."- Choji said with a flirty smile, the son of a bitch. And the worst part: Temari smiled back.
-" Definitely."- She said, stood up and we left towards the hotel. We walked in a comfortable silence until we reached the entrance. She stopped and smiled.
-" Well crybaby, I'm off to sleep. You should sleep too, considering that you'll have to wake up early as well."- Temari said, mockingly.
-" You always drag me into your problems, you troublesome woman."- I complained. Temari laughed.
-" Oh well, you'll just have to cope with it."- She said and entered the hotel. I sighed. This month was sure going to be troublesome.

??? POV
Ugh. Temari and that Nara boy had spent all day together. Did he like her? Just thinking that is enough to make me sick.
-" What are you going to do about it?"- The green-haired girl beside me asked. I smiled.
-" I think it's time Temari learns when not to turn her back on people."- I said.
-" And the boy?"- She asked. I smirked.
-" I'll leave the boy to you."- I said. She licked her lips.
-" Very well then."- She said and we stared at Temari's hotel in a comfortable silence.

Hi minna! So, I'm a HUGE ShikaTema shipper! I seriously love them! In this story, you'll find ShikaTema, NejiTen, InoSai, NaruHina, NO SASUSAKU (I SO don't ship Sasuke x Sakura) and other ships! Sorry for the boring chapter... But things are about to get interesting! Who was watching Shikamaru and Temari? Do you think people will try and ask Temari out? Will she say yes? Stay with me, and find out!

Love is such a drag! (Shikamaru x Temari)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant