Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

Start from the beginning

Cut to Mabel writing in the living room. "Dear Mom, Dad, and Ms. L/n, we've been in Gravity Falls for a few months and so much has happened! Just yesterday gravity reversed itself, almost destroying the universe and totally wrecking the whole town!"

She looks up at TV, where Lazy Susan is standing in front of a crane attempting to pick up Greasy's Dinerz. "Well, they say it was an earthquake, but you know what I think? I think I'm gonna have to start serving pineapple right-side up cake! Haha! Am I right? Am I right? (Greasy's Diner falls down from the crane)"

Cut to Mayor Befufftlefumpter on a stage in front of the town. "Let the rebuilding of the town begin! Wrecking ball, start wrecking things! Hahaha! (A wrecking ball destroys a radio tower, making the television losing the signal)"

"Oh come on." Y/n complained at the tv before he knitted the sweater back to normal. He then put it on and snapped his fingers, causing the tower to be rebuilt with a barrier around it.

Mabel sighed, "my time with the boys are fun, there's even a really cool girl called Wendy. She's pretty much one of us. Though, I have to admit, and this sounds silly and cray-cray, but I'm not a fan of Grunkle Stan's twin brother that came out of this portal-thingy. He...hurt Y/n, and k thought it was the end. But now Y/n's better, but at the same time, not the same person...? (Stops writing)"

Dipper runs in with a box, "Mabel! Y/n! You'll never guess what I found at the store today!"

Mabel asked, "Dogs! Dogs with hats!"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "a way to get my eye back?"

"No, it's my favorite fantasy-talking, level-counting, statistics and graph paper-involving game of all time:" Dipper holds it up, "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons! You wanna play it with me?"

Mabel held her chin, "Well, I do like unicorns, and having Y/n being hot elf looks promising. How do you play?"

Y/n was confused, "Wha-"

"The rules are simple." Dipper opens game book, "First, you roll a 38-sided die to determine the level of each player's statistical analysis poweroid. These orbs relate directly to the amount of quadrants that your team has dominion over, which is inverse to the anti-quadrants in your quadrant satchel."

Y/n held his head, "PT, I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea what those words mean."

Mabel asked, "And then we ride unicorns?"

Dipper smiled, "Yes! (Mabel gasps) And no. (Mabel frowns) First, we make a graph. (Holds up graph paper)"

Mabel sighs, "This is like Homework: The Game."

Dipper frowned, "Come on, guys, I need at least two people to play."

Soos then walks in, Mabel backs out, "Oh, wow, would you look at that: two people!"

"Have fun you two, if you ever need someone else, call me when you find me." Y/n turned into a bunch of sparkles and vanished.

Dipper questions, "Huh. Hey, Soos, up for a little game of D&D&MoreD?"

Soos shook his head, "Aw, sorry, Dipper, I don't go in for that pen and paper kind of stuff. I'm more of an FCLORPer."

"A wha-?"

"FCLORP." Soos holds up a wristband with 'FCLORP'cwritten on it, "Foam and Cardboard Legitimate Outdoor Role Play. It is where a passionate brethren of craftsman, bring their dreams to magical reality. (Cut to him, Toby Determined, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland in the yard with cardboard costumes on) Let yon priestess go, elf-mage!"

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