"Really?" Gabe looks on sadly, "A lot of people think puppets are dumb, or, just for kids or something."

Mabel tried to cheer him up, "Are you kidding me? We're puppet-CRAZY! People call us Puppet-Crazy-Folk!"

Gabe smiled, "Really? People used to call me Puppet-Crazy-Gabe! So when's your next puppet show?"

Mabel froze, "My huh?"

Gabe restated, "I mean, you can't truly love puppets if you're not throwing puppet shows, right?"

Mabel waved her hand, "Ha, yeah, I mean I'm TOTALLY working on a puppet show. But..I actually came to ask you a favor."

Gabe was curious, "a favor?"

Mabel twirled her hair, "well you see, my friend Y/n and I had a fight a while ago. And although he forgave me, we haven't really bonded over anything recently. So maybe this could help."

"Hmm, I see. Well how's this. If you manage to impress me during your puppet show, I'll be able to gauge if I'm even need." Gabe looked ahead, "So, what are the details of your show?"

Mabel tried to stall, nervously, "There are soooo many details..."

Dipper types in "PASSWORD" on the computer. It beeps. "Huh..."

Y/n looked at Dipper, unamused, "why would you think it would be password?"

"We've seen weirder stuff." Mabel sits next to Dipper and Y/n as Dipper speaks, "So, how'd it go?"

Mabel looked sheepishly, "so, how hard do you think it'd be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?"

The computer beeps, Dipper and Y/n look at Mabel, but the two had very different reactions. Y/n was smiling, while Dipper was in disbelief, "What? (grabs Mabel) Mabel, are you serious?!"

Mabel lied, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I got lost in his eyes and his ponytails and I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have ANYTHING."

"What about cracking this password? You know, mystery twins?" Dipper bumps fists, "plus Y/n?"

"If you help me with this for JUST a couple of days I promise I'll help with the password! Please, pretty please!" Mabel starts whispering, "It's for love, Dipper. y/n loves puppets!"

Dipper looked back at Y/n, remembering the Golf Course incident, before he sighed,"All right, okay-"

Mabel rushed to hug him, "YES! THANK YOU!! THIS GUY! HE'S NUMBER ONE!!!"

"Let's go!! This will be sweet!!" Y/n smiled bright.

"Okay, okay, okay, shhhh..." Dipper, Y/n, and Mabel are leaving the library. "I can't wait to get to the bottom of this laptop. We're close to something big here; I can feel it..."

Bill's shadow follows them while walking out of the library. The shadow zooms towards Y/n, soon overtaking his own. His amulet started to shine as a sharp pain was felt through the body. "No, not again..."

"Y/n? You okay?" Mabel asked as Y/n started to sweat, but his amulet started to pulse.

"Come on, Kid. Don't make me more of a murderer than I already am." Bill's voice rang through Y/n's head.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go check on MultiBear! I'll be at the show!" Y/n rushed into the woods. "

"Well, that gives me the perfect time to plan! Come on!" Montage of Dipper and Mabel preparing for the opera and Dipper trying to figure out the password. Cuts to everyone, Mabel, Dipper, Soos, Wendy, and Waddles, in the living room, working on the puppets, "Alright. This is gonna be called Glove Story: A Sock Opera. Just to warn you, people's eyes will get wet. Cause they'll be crying. From laughter! From how tragic it is."

Gravity Falls: Comet (Male Reader X Mabel Pines)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon