Chapter 14: Park

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I had just finished Sotus and was going back to the dorm. I was knackered, not only from the long day, the fact I have not been sleeping properly since that night with Kit and the fact that stupid Forth was missing from today's session leaving me to be the one to handle everything. I groaned internally from the physical fatigue and the mental frustration.

I was walking back when I saw the Communication Arts guys again. They were at the mini mart discussing about something. I glowered and gripped my knuckles but Kit's words came back to me and I decided to just let it be. I continued walking on but then one of them, Phue decided to trip me. I fell, not seeing the sudden leg jut out and fell face first. I hit my knee badly and I gasped in pain, more due to the shock of it. I looked up and glared at them. But then, Kit came to my mind and I decided to control my tongue. I just stood up, dusting off my pants and holding in any pain from showing on my face. Just then, Phue and Kinn mocked me, "So, where's your little boyfriend? The so called basketball star? Wait, isn't he the one we left, all beaten up in the basketball court?"

I raged hearing that and turned around, "What the fuck do you mean? What did you do to him? I swear to god, if you did anything to him, you will not live to see another day. You hear me?!?!?". The boys snickered and chose to just walk away. I got pissed, went over and turned Phue around, just to punch him squarely in the face. The fight ballooned and soon, it was a full on 5 against 1 match. I had the upper hand until Kinn took out his baseball bat and hit me squarely against my back, which crippled me and brought me down. The fight would have escalated further but thankfully the minimart owner called the school's guards and they all scattered. Phue got caught though but the owner testified that they started the whole thing.

I laid down, groaning and in pain. I held on for as long as I could but the pain was too overwhelming. I just passed out.

(hours later...)

I woke up, finding myself in the infirmary. My right hand was bandaged, my shirt was off and there was bandaging across my chest and I could see my jeans had been cut off and my left knee was bandaged too. Fuck, to what extent was I hurt? However, more importantly, I woke up to find the whole gang around me. I gulped when I saw Kit's face. He was talking to the doctor but I gulped silently, knowing I was going to get scolded. Lam and Forth were fussing over me. Ming ran off to get me some water. Beam and Pha were finishing up some paperwork. Just then, Kit finished his conversation with the doctor and turned. He saw me awake and ran over. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to fight. I swear, they said they had injured you and that's why I got worried. But they had tripped me first and I..."

I was silenced by Kit who just leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. He was crying. "I am just glad you are fine. You, you nearly killed me when I heard the news. Never again, do you scare me like this. And I am glad you gave them a good thrashing." I closed my eyes, becoming teary as fuck but holding it in. Not cool Park, not cool. But the boys sensed it. They quickly left, saying they will be back later with my clothes to pick me up. Kit sat down, held my left hand and just cradled it close to his face. He kissed it repeatedly and just sobbed softly. I opened my eyes, my own glimmering. Kit looked at me and then he said this, the lines that changed my life forever; "I love you Park. And I cannot do without you. Please be my boyfriend.".

I stared at Kit, never thinking he would ever say the very words I been wanting to hear for like forever. I tried to sit up and Kit helped me up. I was in quite a lot of pain but it was all worth it as I leaned over and kissed Kit. I leaned my head on his shoulder, my tears just coming down. Not that I wanted this beating, but hey, it got me my man.

It got me my Kit. 

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