Chapter 10

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"Alright Y/N. Since you are at least a little bit stronger than Tanjiro, you will be sparring with me!"

She said. You nodded.

"Oh and by the way, my name is Aoi."

She said once again, you smiled as she led you to another place for you and her to spar properly. You got into a fighting stance, awaiting for her to start, she charged at you almost immediately. You dodged her attack.

You both weren't using real katana's of course. Wooden ones since you were just trainees. You smiled as you summoned light breathing. She barely dodged your attack. She charged, and then you barely almost dodged.

This went on for a while now. Which exactly went on for twenty-ish minutes. You giggled as she seemed to be getting more and more tired. While you on the other hand, weren't even breaking a sweat.

"Hmph! Fine, looks like I'll need Kanao for this one!"






The girl from before had said, it surprised you at how fast she caught up with you. You looked at her nervously, you did and didn't want to spar her at the same time. She seemed like a worthy opponent. Not like Aoi wasn't one anyway though!

You gripped harder onto your wooden katana once they were finished chatting. You got into a fighting stance, and so did Kanao. She had an emotionless look on her face, while you had a determined one. 

She must be used to this. She charged at you first, and swung her katana, barely missing your face. You ducked, and went low. You did a ankle kick and knocked her off of her feet. She grunted once she hit the ground.

But she almost instantly got up again and charged after you. This time you swung your katana, but she ducked. Kanao used the part of the katana that you hold onto to hit you in the chin. You grunted aloud. 

You jumped back while holding your chin. Then you focused back in the battle. You swung your katana, doing the same thing that she had done to you, except in the stomach, she then jumped back and held her stomach. You gave her a cocky grin.

She roller her eyes in a playful manner. Then charged at you. (The fight looked a lot like the one Sabito and Tanjiro had for reference. But a bit more... Drastic?)

She was winning, but that was because she had the help of the Insect Hashira on her side. Even though, you had the former water Hashira on your side, that didn't matter. You sighed slightly as you knew you would probably have to surrender. How unfortunate. 

You were really giving it your all.... Not! 

You weren't just going to surrender for no reason. You kept charging at her, and she kept blocking your attacks, which upset you greatly. Not like you were going to let her know that. You bit the inside of your cheek in frustration.

The Traveler (YANDERE KNY X MODERN! READER)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz