i wish to kiss you

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a/n: just want to point out before you read that all chapters won't be like this one, so if you like the texting there is a lot more coming!

remus woke up the following morning with a headache. he carefully sat up and looked around in the dormitory. at first, everything was spinning but as he got used to sitting up he noticed that none of his friends seemed to be in the room.
"hello?" he asked and after getting no reply, he laid back down in the bed.

what had really happened yesterday? he thought. had he really been on a date with sirius black? and had he really kissed him? more than once? and had they really been to london?

and had he really later gone down to the kitchen to get chocolate, and dragged sirius with him? and what was it that had happened afterwards?

he rolled around in his bed as the memories came flushing back: the only thing he knew for sure, was that he had gotten really fucking drunk. if he hadn't dreamt then he had spent the entire day with sirius. but it was too much like a dream to actually be true.

he opened his phone, only to find he had three unopened messages from lily.

icky book-mate😁
oh no no
go to sleep
goodnight <3

he couldn't recall texting her, but as he scrolled up and read the full conversation he began to remember.

"psst" remus whispered. "psst, sirius."
"yeah?" sirius responded.
"get up." remus continued. "i've got an idea." he reached out for sirius arm and pulled him out of the bed.
"what?" sirius asked.
"come along." remus smiled and dragged him out of the dormitory.

"we couldn't sleep, so now we're gonna get chocolate." remus explained.
"we? how can you kn-" sirius began.
"well, could you?" he interrupted and smiled brightly.
remus nodded and covered both of them in james' invisibly cloak that he had borrowed earlier.

using the map, they went down to the kitchen, tickled the pear in the right painting and got in unnoticed by any teacher. expecting to be met up by one or a few house-elves the boys looked around the currently empty kitchen. carefully sirius took the cloak of the two of them and started looking around.

"where is everyone? sleeping?" he wondered.
"probably." remus, who were still standing in the same spot, said. "i just wanted chocolate."
"let's find some then." sirius implied and started looking around in cabinets and drawers. remus walked over and joined in.

after looking absolutely everywhere they still hadn't found a single piece of chocolate.
"they must be kidding me, how can they not have chocolate here?" remus sighed and sat down on the floor, leaning towards a cabinet.
"maybe they hide it from all the hungry and cute chocolate-loving werewolves." sirius joked.

"ha ha, you are hilarious." remus sarcastically replied.
"don't get so grumpy." sirius laughed. "we can bake something." he had sat down next to remus now and remus had placed his head on sirius' shoulder.
"you? bake?" remus questioned.
"yes! i can do that. don't you remember the cheesecake i made james for his birthday a few years ago?"

"didn't you give him food poisoning from that?"
"uhhh, well... just because he got food poisoned the same day as he ate my cake, doesn't mean the cake gave him food poisoning."
"mm absolutely siri, absolutely,"
"so we're not baking."

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