teachers said we'd never make it out alive

245 19 7

[this is what makes us girls - lana del ray]


       "Don't be a pussy, [Y/N]."

       "Tough talk for someone who's not actually doing it!" 

      Jace rolls their eyes at the two of you, placing a reasuring hand on your leg. "Shut up Vic--It's totally chill if you don't wanna do it-- nobody's gonna judge you."

       You make note of how the soft,warm yellow light reflects off of their faded blue hair-- the fairy lights also being one of the only few light sources in the room aside from an old salt lamp. As the room fell into contemplative silence, the ceiling fan filled the lull woth the rustling of various posters hiding the walls original paint. Some were thumbtacked down, while others had their corners attacked with scotch tape.

        You grab one of their countless plushies scattered about, holding it securely against your body as you readjust yourself on the coarse carpet you were all seated on. Repositioning your leg across Jace's lap, you take a steady breath of air. "Yeah- sure- just go for it."

        They purse their lips, grabbing a metal lighter from beside them, as well as a small sewing needle, and a jar of Ink, likely mostly used for calligraphy, rather than stupid seventh graders giving each other stick 'n' pokes. They flick open the lighter, quickly igniting it, and with still hands, run the flame along the length of the needle a few times to sterilize it. "If you want me to stop and any point-- even if it's just for a quick break-- just tell me, alright?" They say, dipping the tip into the black void of ink.

       "Alright..." Only when you voice your consent, then does jace rest their hands back on your leg, hovering the tip over the stencil they'd crudely drawn on with a Bic pen.

       "You might feel a little pop-- thats completely normal, just means im doing it right." They chuckle, melting aware your nerves with the chimes of their voice. 

       "A pop-? Shit!" You're leg tenses as you feel the needle puncture your skin- as well as feeling the promised 'pop'.

       "Shit- sorry, I should've warned you!" They take their hands away from you, holding them up. Vic giggles from the other side of the room.

        "Oh." You say, calming down from the initial shock and fear. "That... wasn't that bad." 

         Jace's face relaxes from it's concern, washing away into relief. "So, should I keep going?" 

        With an eager nod, they continue, dipping back into the ink after every few jabs to your thigh. Their eyes shoot up to yours every time you tense under their touch, every soft breath of pain, constantly asking of your comfort. Everytime you respond truthfully-- asking for a break, or smiling with a sort of adrenaline. God, your mom would kill you if she knew what y'all were doing.

        When it's over and down with, they invite you to take a look. Leaning your body over, you see a little cat head, simple, and in Jace's usual art style. You smile, looking up at Jace as they grab a bandaid, and neosporin to- hopefully- avoid you getting an infection so bad you lose your leg. 

       As soon as they secure the adhesive to your skin, you hear Jace's mom directly outside their room. Quickly, Jace shoves their supplies under their twin sized bed, and you slap a surely inconspicuous hand directly over the bandaid with a slight wince.

       With impeccable timing on your part, the door opens up, just enough for their mothers head to peak through the door. 

       Her blond hair is tied into a bun, stray hairs falling over her eyes, much like how Jace's hair tended to do. "[Y/N], your mom is here." she informs in a soft, gentle tone. 

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