"Even if I like..well, men?" Remus asks in a low voice, looking away from Sirius' gaze.

"Even if you like men." Sirius confirms in a whisper, the words getting caught in his throat.

Remus' heart leaps out of his chest, his cheeks growing red, "Please don't tell anyone.. I'm not sure really, if I am gay or not..I think I like both.. I'm just.. figuring it out."

"I won't tell a soul."

"That includes James, Sirius. You can't tell anyone."

Sirius nods, "I won't tell anyone,even James."

"Thank you."

They turn back to the window, drinking alcohol in silence. The two conversations seemed to pull them closer together in that moment, unspoken secrets and truths. But one final truth, would rip them further apart from each other.

End of flashback

"I think I see some of me in him." James comments.

"Someone give this man a baby of his own." Sirius groans, "It doesn't work like that."

"Fuck no." James says, "If I had my own child, I wouldn't be able to give it back when it shits. I'd have to do the nappies myself."

"Fook." Zion smiles from his high chair, James' eyes widening.

"Prongs!" Remus sighs disapprovingly.

"It's not my fault!" James protests, "It's his favourite word!"

"It's true." Kate says as she places the mugs of tea on the table.

Sirius nods, "He says it all the fucking time."

"Like father like son." Kate shakes her head, resting a hand on her ballooning belly.

Sirius plays peekaboo with Zion, whilst everyone else drinks warm cups of tea and coffee. His turns cold as he entertains his son, both smiling crazily as their matching wild manes of hair flop around.

Zion shows his toothy grin to everyone around the table, as they all coo in awe. Lily shifts uncomfortably in her own chair, sipping her tea and watching James with Zion intently, as if she were studying for an upcoming test. James sneaks Zion a biscuit dunked in tea, the toddler grabs it gratefully and munches happily. James smiling as Sirius tuts at him, lecturing him for spoiling Zion too much.

"It's just one biscuit." James sighs, turning to Zion, "Your Daddy is no fun anymore."

They hear Pete's footsteps in the clattering in the hallway, the kitchen door swings open and he tries desperately to get his breath back. He bends over, panting like a dog and sweating like a pig.

"Hi Zion." He acknowledges ruffling his hair, nodding briefly at everyone else, "Order meeting. Dumbledore is on his way."

James tries to hide is annoyance as more members of the Order arrive at his home. He didn't mind truly but the last minute meetings were a massive inconvenience. Sometimes he just wanted to lounge around in his pjs but now he had to be dressed instead. Dumbledore wastes no time, waltzing around the dining room like he owns the place. Members of the Order start to take their seats, Remus keeps his distance leaning against the wall instead with his arms folded.

"We need to make a new plan." He announces, "Alice can no longer accompany Frank to guard the outside of Gringotts bank."

"Why?" Blinks Lily, a worried expression flashes across her face.

Frank shakes his head and cracks a smile, "We're having a baby."

"Congratulations!" Mary coos excitedly, hugging Alice tightly.

It takes two | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now