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After Eating the Food I waited. I thought I would feel the Dizziness but it never Came. I did get tired but it wasn't like the Cell place tired. It wasn't like Bleeding day Tired either. It was just regular Tired. The safe Man gave me a small smile as my eyes started to droop. He knelt down and waited for alittle bit. I didn't mind. Safe man was Safe! So it was ok if he Touched me. I felt him pick me up. It was weird to be picked up like this. Normally they are far more Grabby when they want to take me somewhere. This man however Picked me up so I could sit in his arms. 

However when he Brought me over to the Open Mouth Monster I started to Panic. I didn't want to be Eaten! No! NO Monster. I growled and Chattered Glaring at the Open Mouth Monster. The Safe man Held me to his chest and backed away he looked at the Monster and took a breath.

"Child... have... Have you never seen a Bed?" Bed? Was that what the Open Mouth Monster called. I glared at it. The Safe man set me down gently and walked over to the Monster. I grabbed his pants and shook. He put a hand on my head and took a breath.

"It's ok... This is a Bed it won't hurt you. I'm going to Prove it ok?" He took my hand and made me let go as he walked to the Monster and sat down in its mouth. I flinched and backed up but the Monster didn't eat him. He laid down in the bed and tapped the Monsters Insides but the Monster didn't move... It didn't come down on him or eat him. 

"It's a Bed. It won't hurt you or do anything to you. It's for sleeping" I frowned. For sleeping? Ground was for sleeping not the Bed Monster. No one slept in a Bed Monster in their cells before. I tilted my hand and slowly Crouched over and Clawed the Bed monster before jumping back... But the Bed monster didn't even cry out. There was some claw marks in the Bed Monster now though.. I looked and sniffed it. It smelled like wood? Why did the Bed Monster smell of wood? Was it made of wood or did it eat wood? did it maybe not eat meat? 

The Safe man got out of the Bed Monster And crouched down where I was looking he put his hand on the Claw marks and nodded.

"Very good. See you attacked and it didn't hurt you... It's Safe child" I looked up at him. That word again. Safe... Safe man was Safe my Inside self said so. But my Inside self didn't say if this was safe. It didn't say anything. I was picked up and slowly set on the Bed Monster. I grabbed the Safe Man's shirt and shook. He sat with me in the Bed Monster's Mouth.

"Shhh, It's ok. It won't hurt you. You attacked it and it didn't hurt you. That mean's it's safe. You are quite the Brave Child aren't you" I chattered my teeth at him and took this Opportunity to sniff the Safe man. I couldn't smell him right when he was in the chair.  I sniffed his neck and his behind ears. He smelled sweet and Spicy to. It wasn't a bad smell. The safe Man snorted as I sniffed him all over.

"Do I smell ok?" I chattered at him and sniffed more before Nipping his ear and backing away from him. He blinked and touched his ear. There was a little blood but I had to. Now he would smell like I did. He was My Safe man. No one else. Only my Safe man!! He blinked and looked at his hand with a little blood before looking at me.

"Am I safe now?" I chattered at him and tilted my head. Did the Safe man not understand? He nodded at me and put a hand on my head. I ducked before seeing him Pause. I waited and then butted his hand. He gave me a soft smile.

"Get some sleep Child, When you wake up I'll have some more food." I chattered at him and curled in my ball behind his back. I wanted to make sure I was safe. Safe man was an Adult and your had to sleep behind your Adult so they could Protect your right.

 It wasn't long before I fell asleep. It was warm and Safe. I hadn't felt warm and safe before.


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