Sirius nods finally realising and understanding what he had actually done.

"I shouldn't have let those things happen. I truly didn't think.. I never do. I didn't think anything of it. I'm sorry." He whispers, "I'm so sorry."

Mary smiles at him sincerely wiping a tear away on her sleeve, "Thank you."

They smile at eachother for a moment, a mutual understanding passing them. It only took him eighteen years, but Sirius realised he might finally understand girls a bit.

"I think we should do a watch." Mary says, flicking through the spell book, "It's simple enough."

"Yeah brilliant!" Sirius smiles, grabbing the cup and his wand.

Mary grins at him, "So the girl you're in love with, is she watching the Quidditch match later?"

"I think so." Sirius frowns, realising he wasn't sure if she was or not.

"Does she know you're in love with her?"

Sirius frowns again, "I don't know.."

"You really are painfully hopeless,"She sighs, "Can you at least tell me if she's hot?"

Sirius laughs, "Yeah, she's hot. She's enchanting actually.. sorry you don't want to hear that."

Mary shakes her head, "I'm happy for you though, really. If Sirius Black, the known Gryffindor man whore,can describe a girl as enchanting, then she really must have captivated your heart in a way no one else ever could."


Rain falls heavily on the Quidditch pitch, it's Gryffindors VS Ravenclaw. Despite the rain fall, both teams have full stands of supporting students hiding under umbrellas.

James ties his boot, stamping it on the ground with a thud, "Right lads!" He looks at Marlene, "and girl! If we beat these fuckers were on next week against Slytherin. I want us to play a nice clean game against Ravenclaw, save the dirty game for next week."

The team start to cheer, thumping their broomsticks and stomping their feet on the ground, "GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR!"

"Psst." James says leaning into Sirius' ear, "Kate overheard your chat with Mary, not all of it but I could tell she was pleased you apologised."

"Did you hear everything?" Sirius asks glaring at his best friend.

"She's enchanting." He teased winking, "Let's go win our sons first match!"

Sirius double blinks, "He's not our son?"

James shakes his head, "1/4 th of my son." He corrects confidently, "He might be in the womb but this is the official first match he will ever attend. Let's do our boy proud!"

He smacks Sirius on the back before leading the way onto the pitch, Sirius just smirks and shakes his head. He loves how loved his unborn son is. There was a time he though he'd lose everything and everyone, but if anything the Marauders had proven once again why they were the best friends in the world.

"GO!GO!GRYFFINDOR! GO! GO! GRYFFINDOR!" Chant the people in the stands as they clap and cheer, waving their flags and screaming.

Nothing would beat the rush of Quidditch, the adrenaline that pumped through Sirius veins once his feet left the floor and he soared in the sky at unimaginable heights. It was one of the few things he found genuine joy and happiness in.

The match was easy and plain sailing despite the weather. All they needed was to catch the golden snitch and then they would win, except nobody could see it in the thunderous dark weather. Everyone was trying to help James locate the golden snitch, Sirius was searching for it when his eyes landed on something- rather someone else.

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