F is for Family

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It had been a week since the lunch to remember with Yuri's Grandpa Nikolai.

"He still hasn't so much as sent me an email..." Grumbled Yuri, a mix of frustration and sadness lay dormant in his frown. The man was hunched over a laptop, angrily refreshing his inbox page.
Emerging from the kitchen Otabek approached stealthily, quickly swiping the device away and setting down his boyfriends favourite mug in place.
Yuri watched the steam cascade off the rim sadly, shoulders slumped and cheek smushed into the coffee table in defeat. He didn't  bother to protest what he knew was a loosing battle.

He felt Otabek sit on the carpet next to him, arms brushing his own as he did. As He caught a whiff of  that ever familiar scent of his cologne , the knot in Yuri's eyebrows softened a little.
He watched out of the corner of his eye as Otabek quietly sipped his own coffee, jotting down something in his notebook.  A small appreciative smile tugged on his lips.

"Y'know..." Otabek started. " If it bothers you so much why don't you maybe just bite the bullet and ask him to meet up?" He asked dumbly. "You can't keep avoiding each other forever."

Yuri blinked in disbelief, eyebrows quickly furrowed once again.
He sat up, hands massaging his temple.
"How dense can you be?! Of course I'm not gonna contact him first!"  Yuri let out a sigh of frustration. "That's the whole reason It "bothers me soo much"He's the one in the wrong! He should be reaching out... not me and the fact that he hasn't..."
His shoulders softened. "I don't know- It's like he doesn't even care about me anymore..." Tears prickled at his eyes.


Otabek's heart clenched.
"meniñ ğaşığım..." He whispered, reaching out.

Yuri stood up suddenly, rubbing the barely formed tear droplets away with his sleeve. "Whatever." He muttered. "I don't care anymore." He spat, heading for the door.

"Wait!" Yelled Otabek, a little louder than he'd intended. He had swiftly wedged  between Yuri and the door, effectively blocking his escape.
"Yura, I understand that you're upset. You're right, I shouldn't have suggested that and I'm sorry...but you can't keep running away and shutting down on me like this." His words were soft but firm.

Yuri starred up at Otabek a soft frown on his face. "I know..." he whispered, still not looking away. "I'm sorry-" his voice broke as he let his face fall into his boyfriend's shoulder.
A soft sob escaped his lips as he felt strong arms naturally wrapping him up in an embrace.
"I'm sorry." He whimpered once again. "Please don't leave me, you're all I have now..."
Otabek's eyes widened and his heart sunk. "Yuri... what are you talking about... Of course I'd never leave you."
Yuri let out another sob. "That's what grandpa said too."


Otabek was not fucking around.

As soon as Yuri had finally tired himself out of crying  and passed out on the couch Otabek grabbed his keys and b-lined for his bike. This ends today.


After short, borderline illegal ride across town Otabek threw off his helmet and stomped up to the lobby of Nikolai's Condo. The buzzer had only rung once before the old man picked up. "Yuratchka?!" He  said, sounding a little winded.
"Try again" muttered Otabek.  A small 'oh' came from the speaker and a moment later came the sound of the door unlocking with a loud beep.

Next thing he knew he was sitting cross armed at Nikolai's dining table, a cup of tea laid untouched in front of him.
The old man was shuffling in from the kitchen, plate of baked goods in hand. As he reached over to hand him a plate Otabek let out an irritated sigh.  "Don't bother with the forced hospitality Nikolai, let's get to the point."

He looked a little taken aback by Otabek's bluntness and blatant informality but his expression quickly softened to a frown. Just as Nikolai opened his mouth to speak he was cut off.
"Why have you made zero effort to reach out to him?" Otabek clenched his fist. "Do you know what it's doing to him? Do you even care...?"

The old man stuttered. "I- of course-" Otabek interrupted. "I don't want you're excuses or a sob story on how you grew up you can save it. I'd bet money I know exactly what fresh baked shit you're going to serve me without you spouting a word." Woah Otabek did not realize how angry he was. " You're his only family. Hell, he's you're only family left too and if you want it to stay that way, you'd better grow a pair and talk to him"
With that, Otabek stood up and headed for the door.

"Thanks for having me." He muttered letting the door slam behind him.

Authors note

Get his ass Beka 📸💅


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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