Accept me

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( please be warned that this story onwards may contain more sensitive and explicit subject matter than the first volume )

Otabek got out of bed this morning to see Yuri pacing the kitchen talking on the phone with someone.

"So what do think of the new place?"

The man sighed, pushing his golden fringe behind his ears.
"Gotta admit, it's actually pretty sick... Thanks for all this Victor."

"~Did I just hear Yurio say something positive??" Yelled Yuuri in the background.
Victor, who was equally surprised didn't say anything, just began to ugly cry way too close to the mic. He didn't even have to see Victor to know he was a bubbly snot covered mess.
It didn't take long for Yuuri to join in.

"O-Kay then... Im gonna let you two wail in peace." he said, quickly hanging up the phone. He glanced over at the man peering in at him.  Yuri rolled his eyes,a small smirk tugging on his lips. "That's the last time I say thank you to either of those two idiots."

Otabek approached him with a chuckle and a peck on the forehead, "Morning Yura."
"Gonna take a shower?"
Otabek smirked. "yeah, why? wanna join me?".

"Hmm...Be there in a minute, I'm gonna figure out how to use this coffee machine first ." Said Yuri, turning his attention to the overtly high- tech coffee maker that Victor had bought for the place.

Otabek hummed, turning the mans attention way from the machine. Gently, he tilted Yuri's chin towards him and placed a soft, slow kiss on his rubbing his thumb on the man's jawline as he did.
Suddenly, Yuri blinked and The man had already made his way to the bathroom...
"Don't be long." He smiled, not bothering to close the door behind him.

He decided the coffee machine could wait.

- - -

Yuri was sat on the bed, towel drying Otabek's hair as he sat on the floor between his legs.
"So beka you still planning on job searching today?".

Otabek pursed his lips and laid his head back on Yuri's lap. "Yeah,  but I have to go to the library to re print up a few copies of my resume first."

He rasied a brow at that.
"I thought you printed off like 20 before we left?" 

"Peko destroyed them." 

Yuri chuckled.
"Celena's chihuahua is one thing I won't miss about Kazakhstan."

Otabek huffed out a laugh. "Tell me about it."
"Oh, by the way... the library is near your grandpa's place, I can drop you off there on my way if you want? I know you're dying to see him after all this time."

"Oh uh ....yeah, thanks that sounds good."

"Is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah I'm fine, everything is fine."

Otabek sat up and turned to face him. "Are you sure?"

Yuri offered a lopsided smile."Positive."

- - -

Yuri's grandfather Nikolai was the closest family he had, and the only at that.
The man had raised him since he was a toddler their bond was titanium yet he couldn't help but feel anxious.  Maybe after leaving him by himself for so long with no goodbye and nothing more than the occasional letter. Maybe things won't be the same anymore...

Yuri peered up at the tall building, shielding his eyes from the scalding sun.
He let out a deep breath and entered. He dialled his grandfathers room number into the buzzer, it rang twice before his grandpa finally answered. "Who is it? I'm tryna take a nap." Nikolai said gruffly.
Yuri cleared his throat. "Uhh Grandpa? It's me Yuri..."
"Yuratchka?!" His voice cut out and a was replaced with a long beep, signalling that the door was now unlocked.

Yuri made his way up the stairs and to his grandfathers unit, before he could knock the door opened abruptly.
"Yuratchka!" The old man had his arms wide open and wore the brightest smile you'd ever see. Yuri wasted no time, singling into his grandpas right bear hug, he'd missed this...

"How long has it been!" Cried Nikolai, letting him go and giving him a wack on the shoulder.
Yuri snickered. "Too long."

- - -

After a good hour and a half of some much needed catching up Yuri got a text from Otabek. He was done handing out resumes and he'd be there to pick him up in a half an hour.

"What are you smiling at?" Asked his grandpa.

Shit I was smiling??

"Ohh, I know that look. Did you meet a nice girl while you were in Kazakhstan Yura?"
Nikolai teased.

Yuri's heart dropped to his ass.
"What?! Uhh no... not exactly.."
His grandpa chuckled " no need to be shy about it Yura. I'm sure you've told your friend Otabek all about her."


"- Speaking of him... you've been living with that boy for a long time.
Dont you... think it's time you started thinking about finding someone special to settle down with instead of your friend?
I know you two are close, and it was very noble of you to support him in Kazakhstan when his sister was ill...
but I'm sure he eventually is going to want to do the same. He's quite a handsome boy and well I'm sure he's quite popular with the ladies as well. "

Yuri bit his lip.
"About that..."

Authors Note

Hey bitches, sorry this chapter was kinda short. But I do want to warn you that my tastes in writing have changed a lot in the past couple years, and I tend to hit more sensitive subjects. So for anyone who may be triggered or sensitive to darker subjects and conflicts I wouldn't recommend you continue reading this sequel.
I also am a lot less motivated and punctual, so if y'all want me to continue and I'm being a lazy thot just bitch at me till I update.


Yuri x otabek Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon