Part 1

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I woke up with my alarm ringing, it was about 8 in the morning, I got of bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, dried my hair, dressed up

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I woke up with my alarm ringing, it was about 8 in the morning, I got of bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, dried my hair, dressed up. I wore:

I went downstairs and into kitchen

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I went downstairs and into kitchen.

Maddy: gm.
They 3 said gm.
Elena: I have school to go to. Let's go jer.
All of us said bye and even jenna left as she had work to do. I was alone at home.

After school, jer was in the mystic falls grill and elena was with the salvatores, after 2mins I got a call by Damon:
Damon; elena has been kidnapped, I need you to go there, my senses tell me she's hurt, so I spell thingy to go there, your a 3 in 1. Do it!
Maddy: hello to you to. Fine I'll do it.
Then I cut the call. I took a map and cut my palm for the blood to fall, I recited a spell and it showed me where elena was. It was in the middle of nowhere, I used my powers to get there and I gave the address the stefan and damon. As I reached there I knocked the door, they answered:

Rose: who are you, did elijah tell you to come?
Maddy; no, I'm elena's sister, and she's hurt.
Rose: you can come in or I'll suck you dry.
Maddy; love to see you try, but honestly its not possible.
She seemed challenged.
Rose: you can't enter either.
Maddy: no one lives in this house anymore giving it no ownership, allowing me to step inside.
Rose: fine.
I came inside and saw elena sitting on the couch, hurt a little bit on her hand. I took her hand and said a spell it worked, elena hugged me:

Elena: help me get out of here, they are going to hurt me.
Maddy: I'll never let anyone hurt you elena, you'll be fine ok!
I looked at her to calm her down and she did.
Elena: how did you reach here?
Maddy: I always know where my sister is and weather she is in trouble or not.
Elena: but you could've gotten hurt or killed.
Maddy: your forgetting the fact that I'm immortal and I heal fast, don't think I know how to fight.

Elena: they are going to give me to a person named klus.
Maddy; well you are a doppelganger after all. You see your ancestor tatia was used to make a curse on him, her blood is the only thing that can reverse it, she had many doppelgangers and your one of them, she was a human and human blood works. Which is your blood but we both know I won't allow you to die.

Trevor; HE'S HERE.
Rose opened the door and elijah walked inside.
Elijah: that's impossible, a human doppelganger.
Trevor: since I post Katherine for you, take her as my apologie and plz set us free.
Elijah: I suggest I could do that.
He said as he and Trevor were talking, I put my hand over elena's eyes as elijah decapitated Trevor's head with one punch.

I took my hand off when Rose looked shocked at the body.
Elijah: what's you name?
Elena: elena Gilbert.
Elijah: well I finally have my brothers most wanted person.
Elena: please don't kill me.
As they were talking I got a text, it was jenna:
Jenna: could you get me a new bottle of wine when you come back home?
Maddy: sure. The same one or another flavour.
Jenna: any as long as its good.
I snapped out if my phone when my name was called:
Elijah: what's your name, how are you related to her and why are you here?

Maddy: my name is maddison Lodge Gilbert, I'm her elder sister or guardian and I came here to make sure elena is safe from niklaus or klaus basically your brother.
Elijah: how do you know so much?
Elena: you aren't the only original in the room, she's the 1st trybrid.

He looked confused:
Elijah: it's not possible, what family are you from?
Maddy: I'm a lodge.
Elijah: well we have a long way to go So let's leave.
He said as he gripped elena's hand but she didn't go, I put my hand on his wrist:
Maddy: better take your hand of my sister, she can walk, she doesn't need to be told what to do.

He let go just as we said the salvatores came in and their fight happend. At the end elijah was against the door with a coat hanging in his chest. I didn't say anything everythough I know it wouldn't kill him.

Maddy: my work seems done here.
I was about to leave until, elena asked:
Elena: where are you going?
Maddy: I need to by wine for dinner, jenna told me too.
Elena: be careful.
Maddy: you too.
I was the last person to walk out the door but as i was about to leave I dropped my wallet in the room, so when I went to retrieve it and went to the door, elijah was standing normally:

Maddy: what wine would you say is good?
Elijah: Marlot can work. You knew it wouldn't kill me, why would you not tell them?
Maddy: let's just say that I have my reasons and I know that your intentions are not to hurt my sister. We both have one thing in common, family always and forever.

Or in other words I started to like him. Then I left, I went to a near by wine cellar in mystic falls and got a bottle of merlot and returned home, I got a call my Damon to come to their house, I did as elena was there, as I entered, I could hear rose say 'elijah is the easter bunny compared to klaus'

Damon: so elijah is the younger sibling to klaus?
Rose: might be.
Maddy: wrong. Elijah is older than klaus but klaus is a hybrid while elijah is a vampire.
Stefan: what do you mean by hybrid.
Maddy: half wolf, half vampire. His mother had an affair with one of their neighbours making him hybrid, the curse was put on klaus to stop him from making hybrids but only to make vampires. Elena's blood, a vampire, a wolf and moonstone could break the curse.

Rose: how do you know all that?
Maddy: I'm older than all of you here. My family is the same as his but I was the only child and my parents died, making me the first ever trybrid.
Maddy: correct. I'm not know to be merciless like the mikaelson family who have a huge reputation. While my family remained unknown.

Rose; I know a guy who helped me get in contact with elijah, maybe he can help in our situation. We can meet up in a cafe!
Damon; me and maddy will go with you!
Maddy: fine.
Elena: I'll have a talk with Bonnie, stefan will come with me!
Then we all left!

At the cafe:
Slater: Rose, nice to meet you again.
Rose: slater, nice to see you too, these are....
Slater: Damon salvatore turned into a vampire by Katherine and maddison Lodge, original trybrid.
Damon: yes.
The coffee they ordered came.
Maddy: ok now, I'll be outside, this place is packed with vampires and I feel claustrophobic. Tell me when you need me !
Then I was about to leave:
Damon; you said you would come?
Maddy: you told me to come, I never agreed.

Then I went outside, while I was walking, I bumped into a random guy or so I thought.

Too be continued....
Bye! Have a lovely day !

The trybrid Maddison Lodge Gilbert Where stories live. Discover now