Aurora ended up collapsing somewhere in Virginia due to so many injuries that her wolf side couldn't heal. Only to be saved by Hope Mikaelson, who just so happened to be at the right moment at the right time. 

Hope on the other hand knew exactly who she was saving, given she too had flashes or visions as Hope calls them, about Aurora's life.  Hope had been happening the visions since she was 13 years old  after she accidentally cause the blackout in mystic falls Virginia Virginia as well as the whole state. 

Hope after vowed to herself  after words that she would protect and be by her side no matter what. When Aurora woke up she was very scared and confused as to were she was and who everyone was.The doctors reassured her she was safe and told her she was in a hospital.  They also said that it was a miracle she survived from the injuries she had.

They also added that she has a coping mechanism to act and think like a younger age then she is; Age regression.

Aurora got a lot more other information on what it is and the basics.  Aurora also met the person who saved her, Aurora didn't know how to react to finally meeting one of the people from her dream.

Yet that didn't stop Aurora from using what little sign language she knew by expressing her thanks. Given Aurora's voice box had been severely damaged by the beatings she had before her escape.

It took a while for Aurora to adjust not being abused or assaulted by others, the only people she knew that weren't like that. Are either long dead by the hands of their Abusers or the love of her life. Hope stayed through it all and  still wanted to get to know Aurora better. 

Hope told Aurora what she truly was and that Hope is her twin.  Aurora was a little bit scared at first but over a few weeks she accepted it and they started to form a friendship.   Overtime they were like two peas in a pot.

When Aurora met Alaric Saltzman the headmaster of the Salvatore school for the young and gifted, which was the same school Hope went to. Alaric offered to help her learn to control not only her magic but her wolf abilities and eventually her vampire side. in which Aurora took the offer. 

With the more time hope and Aurora spent their relationship gotten stronger as Aurora started to open up to Hope. Hope became more protective towards Aurora.  

When Aurora finally came to the school after she was released from the hospital, she met the Saltzman twins or as they like to be called( Lizzie and Josie)  Mg and Kaleb.   It took a while for Aurora to warm up to them. Like how hope and Aurora's relationship progressed so did her friends. Who too soon became like  older siblings to Aurora as time went by.  Like Hope they all are very protective of Aurora after they lured what had happened to her.

One night at the school, Aurora somehow managed  to accidentally make a portal.  Out of curiosity she waked through it and found herself in a volcano  with a moon pool  in the centre.  She didn't think much of it and jumped into the water thinking why not have a swim.

When she gets back to the school in the morning she took a shower and the next thing she knew she grew a tail. 

Aurora ended up having to explain to Dr. Saltzman what happened since his the  Headmaster and needed to know.  Aurora did tell Hope and her  close friends about her mermaid side and how it happened.   Which now makes Aurora a Qirdird  ( A witch, A werewolf, A vampire and a mermaid.) The only one of her kind. 

Over time Hope, Lizzie, Jose, MG and Klabe all stayed by Aurora's side and threw out her drinking problem and her night terrors.   As well helped her to except her little side and not be ashamed by it, along with many other things she went through from the aftermath she had been through.

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