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Third Person's POV

"Nice work Minjeong your vocals and dancing skills are really good". Taeyeon said making the brunette blush due to shyness. Receiving a compliment from one of her favorite idols are one of Minjeong's dreams. The brunette turned around when she felt a pair of eyes staring at her, only to find out that no one was actually looking at her because everyone was busy practicing their part.

"Here drink this it will replenish your energy. Also try to sit down you've been standing here since earlier, even i get tired just by watching you stand there". Taeyeon chuckled as she gave Minjeong a bottle of cold water before sitting down the sofa of the room. Minjeong blushed again due to embarrassment this time.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room someone is balling her fist, watching as the scene unfold infront of her (salad). "Taeyeon's quite a charmer isn't she". Hyoyeon said startling the raven-haired woman. "Oh h-hi Hyoyeon-nim". The older woman chuckled while staring at the startled Karina. "Just call me Hyo, so do you agree?".

Karina nodded while staring at her member who's now talking to their sunbae. "She is". Karina whispered, Hyoyeon smiled as she looked at the raven-haired woman who's sitting before patting her shoulders. "Nice work back there too Karina, here". Hyoyeon gave her a bottle of water in which the raven-haired woman accepted. "Thank you uhm, Hyoyeon unnie".


"Whoo nice work everyone". Boa said and everyone clapped, all of them were sitting on the ground catching their breaths as they've just finished the first part of their choreo. "Should we celebrate? You know as a toast to our new group?". Taeyeon said while stretching her limbs. "Sheesh Yeon you're just making up excuses to have a drink again". Boa said making the members laugh.

"Also you forgot our juniors are here, show some control Tae". Hyoyeon added making the girl frown. "Yah! Why are you guys teaming up against me. Yow Minjeong my twin please save me from them". Taeyeon pouted while asking the brunette for help.

Boa smacked Taeyeon's head before saying. "Hey don't involve our juniors on this you're making it seen as if we're bullying you". Taeyeon caressed her head while whining. "You already smacked me tho".

"There's nothing wrong with drinking i mean we're all on the right age". All of them snapped their heads towards the raven-haired girl's direction, including the brunette who only looked at her with wide eyes.

"See see? Even our junior agree. What about you Minjeong". The brunette only nodded in agreement it's not like she can refuse her sunbaes, not when her unnie slash leader already agreed to go. "If anything happens we blame Taeyeon okay". Boa said and the others nod, Taeyeon was left speechless as the girls left the room. "Hey wait for me!".

Winter's POV

"Cheers!". All of them cheered as they drank their own shots of soju and beer. They are slowly getting themselves wasted and im here peacefully sipping my milk. After a few more shots i can slowly see them getting drunk. I got startled when Taeyeon unnie suddenly poured soju on my empty glass.

"You don't drink Min?". She asked and i nodded. "Why not? Here try this you will love it, you gotta try some new stuff too sometimes". She handed me half a glass of soju and motioned me to drink it. "Hey leave the kid alone Taeyeon you're scaring her". Boa said while swatting Taeyeon's hand away.

"It's okay Boa unnie". Taeyeon unnie then smirked as she turned to face Boa. "I ain't scaring her she's my twin". Then she wrapped her hands on my shoulder. She grabbed the glass and put it near my lips. "Here have a drink Min". I stared at the glass before grabbing it from her hands, here it goes.

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