8. Distance

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face as i remembered what happened last night.

He likes me! Like, actually likes me! I cant believe it.

I got up and got ready exchanging a few words with daphne as she passed me to wake pansy.

After we had all gotten ready we headed downstairs to find the boys waiting for us... again.

"Why do you always take so long?" Blaise complained.

"You think we just wake up like this?" Daphne jokingly said whilst flipping her hair and us girls giggled whilst Blaise rolled his eyes.

The others started walking towards the great hall leaving me and draco in the common room.

He walked towards me slowly "hi..."

"Hi..." i replied softly.

he reached out both of his hands to hold mine between us. I smiled down at our hands then looked up at him.

he smiled back down at me and said, "i like this... us, togther"

"Me too"

his smile broadened, as did mine.

I tugged his hand a bit towards the door, "we really should get going before they start to worry" i said but not really wanting to go.

he smirked "they'll be fine, I've been waiting for this to happen for a while, I want to enjoy it" he whispered the last part before gently placing his lips on mine.

I slowly snaked my hands up in his hair as his slid around my waist pulling me closer.

The kiss started to turn from soft and innocent to lust-filled and passionate. His tongue scraped my bottom lip, pleading for entrance, which i gladly gave.

We broke apart at the sound of someone walking down from the girls dormitory. Of course. Astoria.

She gave us a disgusted look "cant you get a room?"

"Believe me, i plan on it" draco whispered cheekily causing Astoria to go red with rage before she stormed off.

"Now, where were we?" Draco whispers huskily in my ear.

I reluctantly pulled away, "come on, we need go now"

He pouted but agreed and we made our way to breakfast and joined our friends.

"And where might you two have been?" Pansy asked with a knowing smirk.

i blushed and hit her lightly on the head "shut up Parkinson"

She giggled and went back to eating.

We all ate breakfast and chatted amongst ourselves before heading to our classes.

*time skip*

Finally, classes are over. That was one long day.

I was supposed to go and hang out with Ophelia down by the lake today, just us two. It should be fun.

I made my way down to lake after informó pansy of where i was going and asking her to tell the others.

I see a girl in the distance with long hair and red-lined robes. That must be Ophelia.

I quietly snook up behind her and tried to scare her.

"You dont think im that stupid, do you?" She asked with a smirk. Damn it.

I laughed "oh well, maybe next time"

We chatted about anything and everything for about an hour when Fred (i think) came up to us and asked to 'steal me'.

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