6. The first day and the first argument

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I woke up at about 7 am and saw that i was the first one up. I got up and got dressed in to my uniform but paired it with some nice simple black heeled boots.

 I got up and got dressed in to my uniform but paired it with some nice simple black heeled boots

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After i did that i did my hair and applied a light coat of mascara and lipgloss. I couldn't decide whether to put my blush and eyeshadow an on, i decided again it and went back into the room.

It was now 7:25, i decided i would wake the girls so they had plenty of time to get ready.

"Pansy" i whispered whilst i shook her. "Pansy!" I whispered a little louder and shook her harder. "Pansy. Pansy. Pansy!" I said even louder.

This must have spoken Daphne because she said "good luck getting that one to wake up, shes impossible to wake up in a morning".

I frowned and looked back to Pansy.

"I accept that challenge"

"What challenge? There is no challenge." Daphne said confused.

"Well i accept it anyway, i will wake her up"

I moved her hair away from her face and got really close to her and yelled as loud as i could "PANSYYYYYYYYY!"

Annddd... nothing.

"HEY!" Astoria yelled from across the room "i was trying to get my beauty sleep, can you not?"

"You clearly need it" i muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked accusingly.

"Nothing... just saying sorry..."

She huffed in annoyance and went to the bathroom.

Daphne laughed "well Pansy's still asleep...".

"How the hell do you wake her up then?" I asked.

"Like this..."

She opened all the blinds then jumped on Pansy "get up bitch".

Pansy jumped up... well tried to. "I'm up. I'm up."

We both dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Pansy threw a pillow at me "not funny."

"It was. Now get ready we are going to be late it's already 7:45".

"Why do I'd no one wake me up sooner" she whined and rushed to get ready.

"Your kidding right? We've been trying for like 20 minutes now!" I yelled with a laugh.

"Shut up" she left to the bathroom whilst Astoria strutted past us and down to the common room.

Me and daphne laughed for a second until she also went to the bathroom to sort her hair out.

I sat on my bed with a book until they were ready to go down.



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