3. Reunited

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Then i turned around...

There he was. My childhood best friend, my crazy little blondie. He had changed so much, when i left him he was this this tiny little 11 year old with a chubby face and slicked back hair. Now here he is, tall and handsome (in a perfectly tailored black suit no less), no longer than chubby little kid. Although its definitely an improvement, especially the hair. He stood there smiling at me, i was out of my chair within seconds and leaping into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around me almost instantly. "I missed y/n/n" he mumbled into my hair. "I missed you too Dray" i mumbled back into his chest. "You look beautiful" he complimented me, i blushed "and you look dashing as ever" it was his turn to shyly blush. He kissed my head softly and we went to sit at the table.

We sat and conversed with the adults and having our own conversations with little glances and knowing smirks.

The dinner was uneventful apart from that, just catching up with the Malfoy's who were basically a second family to me.

After dinner we went and sat in the lounge and just talked, the adults had their own conversations whilst me and Dray stayed in the corner and joked between ourselves. He asked for my number so he could text me and i gave it to him. He said he would text me later so i had his number too.

When it was time to leave i had trouble saying goodbye, i have had enough goodbyes within the last couple of days to last me a lifetime.

I finally managed to part with him and go back home, when i got home i saw a letter waiting for me.

It read:

To y/n,

Hi y/n, we all miss you already. I know it's only been like 2 days but we do really miss you. It feels like forever, these last years of school aren't going to be the same without you. Or are you coming back? I know you probably won't but we're all still praying. Anyway, just wanted to see how your doing with everything. Have you seen Draco yet? I know you've missed him the most. Liam is a little down from breaking things off with you but he knows its for the best, well all think you'll end up dating Draco within the year anyway. We have a bet on. We all know you love him, you just wont admit it to yourself in fear of ruining your friendship. Which you wont, but I know you won't listen to me. Anyway, sorry for rambling. Hope your doing well, owl me back ASAP.

Best wishes Willow, Rain, Liam, Katie and James xxx

I really missed those guys too, I quickly wrote a letter back.

To Willow, Rain, Liam, Katie and James,

Hey guys! I miss you too, it really does feel like longer than just a couple days. And i don't know yet I haven't had chance to bring it up yet, still catching up with them. I'm pretty sure I'm not coming back though, sorry guys. Everything is good so far and yes i have seen Draco and the rest of the Malfoy family, i really did miss him. It was nice to talk to him again in real life and not just letters. And will most certainly not be getting with Draco, I've told you a million times I DON'T LIKE HIM LIKE THAT! You can cancel the bet unless you want to loose money because i will not be going out with him. He is my best friend, nothing more. I hope guys are all doing well too, you'll have to tell me all the gossip once school starts again. Try not to kill each other too please, for me? I know i was the peacemaker. Love you all, I'm gonna head to bed now so bye!

Lots of love, y/n xoxo

I put my quill down and sent the family owl, midnight, out to deliver it.

I then went to bed because i was exhausted but just as i was about to fall asleep i saw my phone light up. I sat up and checked it, it said

New message from: unknown number
Accept Decline

I accepted it out of curiosity and it said

Hey y/n/n, its me.

Hello 'me', you might need to be more specific.

Oops sorry, it's Draco.

Hey Dray, what you doing texting me at this time, I'm trying to sleep.

Sorry, just wanted to wish you a
Well goodnight Dray x

I put my phone away and fell asleep.

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