kimtaehyung : tell them what?

parkjimin : abt this

kimtaehyung : just say we never broke up. that's the easiest option, just say it was easier for u to say that then we weren't speaking for a long time. ppl were asking too many questions so u lied and said u broke up

parkjimin : but i don't wanna lie m

parkjimin : im over that

kimtaehyung : or u can just say u became a softy and let me back in

parkjimin : i would rather lie

kimtaehyung : lmao

parkjimin : u are a charmer kim taehyung

kimtaehyung : oh boo hoo park jimin, u are the same

parkjimin : i missed ur boo hoo's :'(

kimtaehyung : good. i'm glad u missed me

parkjimin : u should be. i don't miss anyone

kimtaehyung : yh whatever

parkjimin : im being serious but whatever.

kimtaehyung : i'm sure u are my love

parkjimin : whatever , i gotta lock up for work

kimtaehyung : let me know when u are home

parkjimin : mhm i will :))


taehee : did u make it home ?

kimtaehyung : yep :))

kimtaehyung : i enjoyed spending time with u guys

taehee : so did i

taehee : when are u coming back?

kimtaehyung : not for some time taehee why?

taehee : no reason :)) what happened tho? u weren't supposed to leave till march

kimtaehyung : well something just came up and i needed to get back here asap

kimtaehyung : but i promise i'll be back

taehee : okie dokie

taehee : dad also enjoyed ur company. he didn't say it to me but i heard him speaking to mother

kimtaehyung : mhm...and what did she say?

taehee : she said she missed u. she missed ur face

taehee : but she's the one that left us so idk why she's saying it like we left

kimtaehyung : i'm sure she left for a good reason :)

taehee : no reason is good enough to leave ur kids. u and me both know that

kimtaehyung : taehee.

kimtaehyung : we are okay. that's all that matters . who cares that mother left? she's here now

taehee : it's just upsetting. seeing you see her was heartbreaking

taehee : taehyung u practically bursted into tears seeing her

kimtaehyung : well i haven't seen her since i was abt 3. my reaction was natural

taehee : and after 16 years u are just going to forgive her?

kimtaehyung : i'm not forgiving

kimtaehyung : i'm just trying to forget what she did to us

kimtaehyung : enough of this soppy talk

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