"Yeah, hi." I replied. "Look, I'm not really from here, like, at all, and I don't know anyone except the chaos warriors. You look quite nice, and I kind of need a friend who's a girl, that I can talk to about girl stuff. Like, seriously, all my friends are three boys and a dragon."

She laughed, and smiled at me. "OK."

"Hey, do you want to go and see the chaos cabin, I could show you my room, and take off my hood and everything."

She seemed shocked that I was ready to reveal my face so quickly, after all the caution the boys had taken, with the fake names and everything, but she agreed.

We walked through the center of the cabins towards the chaos cabin, and as I opened the door, she gasped.


"A TARDIS cabin!" We both said at the same time, and burst out laughing.

"The boys made me watch all three-hundred and sixty seven series of doctor who before it stopped showing." I said, giggling.

We entered and walked through the kitchen. I was halfway across the room when I realized Annabeth had stopped.

She was standing stock still, staring at the two figures sitting at the table, their hoods flicked back, playing a game of pinochle with chaos silver.

"I KNEW IT!" she screamed, and dived at Nico and Luke, hugging them until they were wheezing for breath. "Oh my gosh, I missed you guys so much... Luke! We all forgive you, I missed you... Lexi!"

She turned her shining face towards me, and I could see her happiness reflected at me like a mirror. "Thank you so so much for bringing me here."

Luke looked surprised, but pleased, and Nico looked positively buoyant.

I smiled and beckoned to her, and opened to door into my bedroom.

Another gasp.


I had to admit, my bedroom was beautiful. It was huge, with a soft, squidgy green carpet, and a wallpaper patterned with woodland scenes. My shelves were made with rough wood with the bark still on, and by bedframe was the same. I had a huge flattened log in the middle that served as a desk. The only thing that wasn't nature themed was the huge screen on the left-hand wall, with several consoles attached to it. (Yes, I'm addicted to videogames)

She settled herself on one of my enormous beanbags (coz I'm a hipster) and gazed around at all the books on my shelves.

"Oliver Twist... the entire Harry Potter series... A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ARCHITECTURE????"

I could tell from her face that we were going to be good friends, so now was the time to ask about Percy.

"Hey, Annabeth... I saw you talking to Percy earlier, what was that about?"

She looked at me in surprise.

"Why would you ask?"

"Oh, you know, I'm a Chaos warrior and he's my captain and I'm also his friend so I want to make sure nothing's upsetting him or anything." I said, very quickly.

"Ooh ok, well basically I said thanks for giving Nicolas a chance because he's had it rough, y'know? And then Percy said do ya wanna be friends again and I said ok but no dating and he was like that's what I meant and now were cool."

I internally sighed in relief. Nothing is going on between them, it's all fine. I had a chance with Percy, and a really cool new friend who likes Architecture.


Percy's POV

I finished talking to Annabeth, and she went off to the chaos cabin with Lexi. I was cool with that, Lexi and Annabeth actually have a lot in common. They're both great with battle strategy, and they both love Architecture.

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