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The Next Day:

Billie wakes up early and texts Perry.

Billie: Hi Perry this is Billie!

5 minutes later Billie gets a reply.

Perry: Hi honey! How are you?

Billie: I'm ok. Do you have any plans for tonight?

Perry: No I don't actually. I do this morning though. What did you want to do later?

Billie: Hmm, Want to get food?

Perry: Sure. Where do you want to go? I'm good with anywhere that has vegan options.

Billie: You're vegan too! So am I actually, and gluten free.

Perry: How cool! Let's go to the vegan restaurant then.

Billie: Sounds good to me. Want to go at 6PM?

Perry: Yes let's do 6. Talk to you later sweetie.

Billie: Talk to you later. 


Billie starts to get ready to out. Billie checks herself out in the mirror 20 times.

"Are you ok Bil?" Finneas asks.

"Yeah. I'm just getting ready to go out." Billie says checking herself out in the mirror once again.

"Out biking again?" Finneas asks a little worried.

"No, Definitely not. I'm actually going to have dinner with Perry the dental assistant." Billie says.

"Oh really? Like to celebrate your fixed teeth?" Finneas asks smiling.

"Yeah, That's what we're doing." Billie says looking at her watch. 

"Ok have fun and be safe ok." Finneas says hugging Billie.

"Ok." Billie says softly.

10 Minutes Later:

Billie runs out to her car excited, and texts Perry that she's on her way. After 30 minutes of driving Billie finally arrives. Billie's palms sweat as she texts Perry that she's here. Billie waits in the car until she sees Perry walking up to the restaurant. It's weird not seeing Perry in her work outfit. Billie takes a deep breath and walks out and meets up with Perry.

"Hi honey!" Perry says brining Billie in for a hug.

"Hi. It's so nice to see you. Feels weird not seeing you in your work clothes." Billie says.

"I know right? This is what we look like when we're not doing dental stuff." Perry laughs.

The two of them walk in and the waitress gives them a seat. Once seated they take a look at the menu.

"It's so amazing that you're vegan too!" Perry says.

"Thanks." Billie says nervously. 

Dammit! Don't be so nervous! Billie thought to herself.

"So how was your morning?" Perry asks.

"It was nice. I just read a lot. Nothing much." Billie says.

"I like reading. What do you read?" Perry asks.

Billie knows she shouldn't tell Perry that she reads kids and baby books. She'll just have to make something up.

"I read mystery books." Billie lies.

"Those are always so fun." Perry says enthusiastically. 

Billie nods.

"Hi what can I get you guys to drink?" the waitress asks.

Teeth(Billie Eilish Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now