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(Art done by me!)

Y/n's POV


Everything was fully decorated and we were ready to all hide for the surprise awaiting him. It sure did take us the whole day simply because we wanted him to feel special for once! It may seem easy but trust me,when you truly try,you see how difficult it is for him to believe you since he is...well you know how he is. That's why you are here reading this anyways,right? Lmao I'm going insane like as if I was in a wattpad fanfic lol.

We waited and waited for him but it seems like he was taking his time here. I was getting kinda inpatient so I told the others I was gonna go look for him.

I go out of his cottage where everything is and thought that he might be at the beach or the library since he likes to be in peace where there isn't any sound to relax a bit. Since the beach was closer and he mostly went there,I chose to go check at that place but to my surprise,he wasn't here at all! So I chose to go to the library and he wasn't there either. I was confused for a moment until I thought,he maybe isolated himself somewhere unusual,and that must be a place that is normally really loud! Maybe he's at Titty Typhoon! After all,this place is usually loud cuz it's where some concerts take place.

I went there and I finally found him but,to my surprise,he was sitting down,head in his arms,and I could hear sobbing....


His head shot up quickly and turned to me and I could finally see his face,full of tears,which confirmed what I thought.

-H-huh.?.....!!Y/n! Um,oh god..

He quickly wipes his tears away and smiles,trying to hide the fact that he was literally in the middle of a mental breakdown 2 seconds before.

-Hi Y/n! H-how are you today?

-Nagito. Don't play that game with me. You were already crying when I got here. Just tell me, what's wrong?

-God,you weren't supposed to see me like that...I-it's nothing,don't worry. Don't worry about trash like me,go back to your main activity,whatever it was...

-No,Nagito,tell me. Please.

-Okay okay,f-fine. I guess you didn't know but today is my birthday and,it's not that special for me,but I thought that people might actually give a bit more attention to me for once,even if I don't deserve such affection from an ultimate. But instead,everyone ignored me... even you...you never ignore me. Did I do something wrong..?


I started to feel guilty because we are the reason why he is in such a state..even tho it wasn't even to make him sad,we just didn't want him knowing we were preparing a surprise.

-Nagito. Can you...come over here please?

Nagito just turns towards me and I open my arms to tell him to hug me. He jumps at me and pulls me into one big tight hug. After calming down,I told him to follow me.

-I need to show you something.

-What do you want to show me?

-It's a secret.

-Can you at least tell me happy birthday,Y/n?

-Wait a little bit,okay?


We get in front of his cottage and he looks at me with a confused look.

-Open the door.


-Just do it,you dummy.


He grabs the handle of the door and as he twists it,I whisper towards his ear:

-Happy birthday,Nagito.



He opens the door and everyone comes out of their hiding spots,screaming « happy birthday! » to the shocked boy.

From the look on his face,it's to tell that he didn't expect that!

It made him so happy he started to cry again out of happiness!

After that,we all had fun,with Nagito enjoying the best birthday party he could ever wish for,and with all the presents for his being opened and him being very happy to know that people gave him gifts!

At the end of the day,the party was still going on the cottage,while Nagito and I went to the beach,to take some fresh air and decided to sit down for a while and watch the stars. They were very pretty and there were actually some little starts passing by! I saw Nagito doing a wish. I just wished for him to have the best life he could ever have.(he needs it bruh)

-Hey,Nagito? I have one last gift I wanna give you.

-Hm? What is it?


I cupped his face with both of my hands and make his eyes meet mine as I kiss him softly on the lips. He soon melts into the kiss as a blush was spread onto his face. At this point,he was bright red!

After a little while,we stopped and I look at his red face.

-I...I think my wish is coming true,Y/n.

-Oh? Is that so?

-Definitely. I wished for the love of my life to kiss me while we are watching the stars. As I can see,it happened.


-Can i have another one?

-of course!

We kiss again,and spent most of our night staring at the star filled sky. It was truly amazing and relaxing. So relaxing that Nagito ended up falling asleep so I brought him back to his cottage and told the others that it's time to go sleep now. They all went out and I placed Nagito in his bed (I'm shocked that the bed wasn't dirty with food and sh!t). I was about to go back to my cottage too but Nagito grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms,which left me being stuck in a hug with him. I didn't mind,cuz I ended up falling asleep myself anyways.

💫🎇🌠Goodnight Nagito🌠🎆💫


(Okay,that's all for today,this was a special one for Nagito's birthday! He is now 24 years old! Anyways,that's all,don't forget to stay healthy! Don't forget to drink and also eat (but not too much too). And don't forget that I accept you for who you are unless if you are a zoophile,a pedophile, or any other bad things,those aren't acceptable. Anyways that's all for today so,AUTHOR~CHAN OUT!!!!)

1111 well wow now that's one hell of a lucky thing!

Nagito x reader oneshots book! (With smut!)Where stories live. Discover now