We finally arrived at school and it was packed! I could feel my heart race as well as all the excitement running through my veins. I waited so long for that moment. My final year in high school. Not that I hated school, it was more like excitement that my life was going forward as planned. I was so proud of myself. To see that I'd managed to keep everything on track till that far! Not many could accomplish that. I did!
"Can I catch you guys later? I'm going to sign up for the morning school news report position," I announced.
"Sure!" They all replied.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" I muttered to Naomi.
She moved away from the rest and followed me to the side.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday," I began. "It's okay, I went to bed early anyway." She shrugged.
"You look nervous," I added.
"I might be, just a bit." She replied, checking at the spot Austin usually parks in, again.
"This has Austin written all over it," I shook my head, "Has he called?"
She shook her head, disappointment written all over her face.
I sighed and then put both my hands on her shoulders. "Hey, I am sure he'll reach out to you today."
She smiled. I smiled back.
"You better get going." She said.
I gave her a hug and headed to the office. I wouldn't say I was the popular girl, but almost everyone knew me. I'd be greeted here and there. Sometimes stopped for little conversations, which were draining sometimes. Or I'd get asked about my outfits, my accessories or homework or school activities and what not. Drai-ning!
Of course I loved talking to people and being friendly, but it got a bit much sometimes.

After greeting familiar and unfamiliar faces, my eyes landed on a face I was very familiar with and actually very fond of: Mr. Eric Fitzgerald. When our eyes met, we both grinned like two teenage girls. In this case, I was the teenage girl and he was a gay man in his early thirties.
"You look absolutely stunning, babe!"
He gave me a high five but knowing him, it would've been a hug instead. But we were standing right in front of the office!
Mr. Fitzgerald and I became buddies when I helped him pick out an anniversary gift for his boyfriend. Since then, we've been inseparable. Besties, if you will.
"Thank you so much. But can we talk about your new hair? You look gorgeous in that blond! What? Get outta here!" I gushed.
"New year. New hair. I was actually thinking of growing out my beard, Will said no. It made sense. I had completely forgotten about how patchy it actually is!" He exaggerated.
"Horrifying. But how are my two favorite love birds doing?"
"We're on cloud nine everyday, my babe. I love that man more than life itself." He cooed.
"Stop. You two are going to make me break my rules." I pleaded.
"Rules are meant to be broken. You're a gorgeous hon, allow someone to love you. I wanna go on double dates!"
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. But I'll definitely text you in five years time to go on that double date." I winked.
"To hell with five years time. I'm inviting you over right now. Whenever you're free come have dinner with me and Will. Say yes." He begged, eyes fluttering.
"You don't even have to ask me twice! I'd love to. I'll definitely let you know when."
"I love you! Now go kick some ass, girl. I'll see you in Math class."
"I love you too!" I chuckled.

After sorting out everything that I needed to do in the office, which took longer than I had expected, I rushed to the first period. The bell had rung and everyone made their way to class as quickly as they could. By the time I left the office, a few kids were in the corridors. Shit! I couldn't be late on my first day!
I sprinted down the hallway. I was about to make it in time when I saw Ethan, carrying his sports bag walking to class as well. It was just him and me. I had hoped he would enter quickly, but when he saw me, he stood by the door. Damn. I straightened my clothes as I continued walking. I was not going to look at him. Not going to look at him! I kept my head down until I reached the classroom, and that's when I heard the door open.
His scent was a mixture of cigarettes, leather and earthy cologne.
I looked up and was met by his burning gaze. For a moment he was smiling and then...he was just staring at me, as though he saw something in my eyes. For some reason, I too was mesmerized by his — brown, almond eyes. But I quickly broke eye contact. "Hello, Grace," he greeted, clearing his throat. "Ethan," I quavered, entering the class. He too, entered the same time as me.
Following me right behind. Our arms brushed. I could feel my face flush. I quickly rushed to my seat avoiding any and every pair of eyes in the room. It took a moment for my mind to actually be in the classroom. I was feeling very...distracted, and that's the last thing I wanted. To be honest? I had no idea what was going on with me. When I stole a glance at him, butterflies filled my stomach. "Snap out of it, Grace." I whispered to myself.
I was not ready to crush on a boy. Not now! And Ethan of all people?!
Ethan. He was eighteen. The best player on the field and in school. He'd hooked up with so many girls, no one knew the exact number. He was tall, athletic and stylish. Very...well-built. Not buff. He was skinny but fit. He was hot, no doubt. Thick eyebrows. Wavy, brown hair. Small, soft lips. Sharp jawline. His walk was so confident. He always wore leather jackets, well-fitted jeans which always sat by his ankle. Or sometimes, he'd wear his football jacket.
Every girl in school would sit by the bleachers after school just to see him play. He was really good in football, but not so much with the books. I tutored him the year before for a couple of days, and on the last day of school he got me a gift — a bracelet — to say 'Thank you.' He was different with me. Not what I had expected. Not the same guy that everyone always spoke about. He was respectful, kind and...focused. Ethan wasn't my type but he definitely caught my attention. He...intrigued me because, as I've mentioned, he's the one guy in school who showed constant interest or attention rather.

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