Chapter 7

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I found ourselves now walking to where we usually see Jerry, with my body following him from behind whilst he lead the way.

Up until now I was still confused as to why I had to follow him. From what I could remember, I only asked him if we could eat lunch together but now we ended up having an unplanned 'hangout'.

I mean I'm not complaining— because I obviously love that— but he could've just told me straight away, you know? I would never refuse to such an idea.

Ambrose takes a seat down the bench and I copy him, except I left some distance in-between us. I felt that he was just observing the view in front of him without uttering a word and so I did the same. I also observed the view while my feet were rocking back and forth in different paces.

"Did you come to see Jerry?" I broke the silence.

I felt his head turn to my direction. "Yeah. How is he?"

My mouth breaks into a grin at his question. He's gotten so attached to the chonky cat that I can't help but smile. This side of him is quite unexpected but admiring.

"He seems to be enjoying life even more these days! Maybe it's because of the amount of students constantly showering him with love," I laugh softly.

My head now turns to Ambrose and caught him nodding. I'm pretty sure he had a satisfied look on his face just now. Probably content with what I said regarding Jerry.

We've been talking about the cat but he's actually nowhere to be found. I look in all directions in hopes of finding the cat, but pouted as soon as I couldn't see him.

"Weird, he's usually here at this time," I mutter to myself but loud enough for Ambrose to hear.

He starts looking around as well, and then stopped after less than ten second. "Must've gone somewhere," he says.

I was a tiny bit surprised that he even replied but I nodded nonetheless, agreeing with what he said.

"Do you have an upcoming match soon? I noticed how you guys practice more these days," I blurt out.

In all honesty, I wasn't actually planning to ask that because it might make me look like a stalker but my curiosity really beat me to it. Great going, Ophelia!

He went silent for a bit before answering, "Next month. That's why we can't help but practice restlessly,"

"But you guys are already good enough! Take it easy and just keep up with what you can!" I give him a word of advice that, I, myself would actually need.

"Then..." I hear him quietly say. "We have a practice match next week. Would you like to come and watch?"

That got me to turn my head back to him. His first proper invitation! He just asked me if I wanted to go! This adds to the growth of our friendship!

I couldn't help but smile widely and nod relentlessly. "Of course! I'll come and support you guys!"

And plus, how could I ever refuse when the moment we met eyes, he looked hopeful for a second. It felt like he was anticipating me to actually say yes. There was no way I could ever say no.

He nods at my answer, looking away from my direction. After that, I babbled a bunch of nonsense.

 After that, I babbled a bunch of nonsense

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Hopeless, Devoted, Unrequited (ACE CLAWS Trilogy #1)Where stories live. Discover now