Chapter 5

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I analyze the individual writings that my members made for the entry that we're currently working on for the contest. I could sense their anxiety, as the one I'm currently analyzing right now is near the ending part of the book.

Which means, it's very important.

If our book has a magnificent beginning, then it is also important to have a good ending. And I'm quite the perfectionist when it comes to writing, so when it's time for me to analyze what they wrote, I get very critical.

I raise my brows in satisfaction. "Surprisingly... I loved it!"

They squeal in victory, giving each other high-fives. I smile at them with a proud look on my face, placing the papers back down the table.

"But it's not the ending yet, ladies!" I stopped speaking as soon as I saw Eli look at me with a poker face. "And gentlemen," I apologetically smile at him.

"Since you did a very job on this part, we can start outlining the ending after two days. So, use the two days wisely and give yourselves a break, alright?"

They nod at me. I dismiss them and immediately started packing my things. I leave the club room and went outside of the building to take a breather.

The breeze felt nice on my skin. It wasn't too cold and I instead felt warm. This was the perfect weather to ease off the mind, and relax even for a short moment.

I saw the bench where Jerry would usually be at and sat down there. It didn't take long for him to actually arrive beside me and rub his entire body on the shin of my legs. He jumps on the bench and comfortably lays down beside me, purring.

Oh yeah, Ambrose! He asked me to take photos of Jerry while he was gone and practicing for volleyball. This is the perfect opportunity to capture this cute cat's face and send it to him.

I stand up from the bench and kneeled on one leg in front of Jerry who was still in the same position. I grab my phone and opened my camera to take photos of him. I start taking pictures and even kept giggling in-between because of how adorable he looked.

After how many pictures, I sit back down beside Jerry and opened my messages. I pick the proper ones and immediately sent it to him without saying anything. I mean all he asked for was Jerry's pictures right?

As much as I want to actually send him something, I'm too nervous to even say anything. Plus, he might get weirded out.

Jerry goes down the bench and lays down on my feet with his belly exposed. I laugh at his behavior and bent down to rub his belly. He was too adorable, so I took my phone and recorded a video of him.

"This chonky baby wants some loving, huh?" I sweetly say.

Satisfied at the video, I was ready to post it on my Instagram Story until my upper body tripped over with my hands landing on the ground to support me from the fall. I forgot I was still petting Jerry and bent over too much that I lost balance.

I sit back up and checked around to see if anyone saw it. I exhale, thankful that no one was around to witness that. If anyone did, that would've been so embarrassing.

I go back on my phone to continue my business but saw something that made my eyes widen. So wide, I was sure my eyeballs were about to pop out.


I frantically open messages and pressed on Ambrose and I's conversation. I accidentally sent the video I took with Jerry to him! That was such a clumsy mistake, what the hell? And it happened just because I fell over! Ugh!

Hopeless, Devoted, Unrequited (ACE CLAWS Trilogy #1)Where stories live. Discover now