Chapter 6

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I was busy rustling through my bag to find a small mirror. And when I did find one, I checked up on my face in case I looked terrible but thankfully, I looked okay!

Calming myself, I quietly enter the campus' gymnasium and looked around. It was the boys volleyball's turn to practice, and since Ambrose and I agreed on having lunch today, I decided to wait for him while he practiced.

Plus, I just finished my test! I'll just cross my fingers and hope I do get a high grade on that one.

I walk through the bleachers and sat down where it wasn't too near or far from where they were practicing. Actually, I sat down where I was hit by the ball last time so let's just hope I don't get hit again.

Or hope that Kasper's on his right mind and actually practice setting instead of spiking.

I observe them silently and saw Ambrose talking to Kasper. I'm going to assume that Ambrose is talking about how they'll do their set. Since Ambrose is an outside-hitter, he tends to communicate a lot with their setters. Mainly Kasper, since he's the main setter of their team.

I snapped out of my daydreaming when Jace suddenly clapped loudly. "Last one! Work your asses off!"

They get into position and had their focus on the other side of the court which had the ball. The whistle blows and...


The referee points to their side, indicating it was in. Immediately, my eyes widened at what happened. One of their player just did a jump serve! It was so powerful that I was sure my wrist would break in half if I tried receiving that!

Plus, I've never seen that player. Was he new?

Ambrose's side failed to receive that, so the same player had a chance to serve again. He does another jump serve but this time, the opposite team's libero managed to receive it.

The match goes on for quite a while until the other team had a score of twenty-four, whilst Ambrose's team had twenty-one. I definitely fear that new guy.

Eventually, Ambrose's team lost. I see him patting his teammates' backs and telling them something I couldn't understand.

Then our eyes suddenly meet which caught me off-guard.

I look away in an instance and pretended I wasn't watching them this whole time. Also, it might weird him out if I continued staring. And as if I also have the capability to do that too!

Looking back after a minute, I saw that he wasn't looking anymore. He just went to the benches and opened his duffle bag. That's Ambrose to you. Once he sees you, he'll never look back again.

I sigh, waiting for them to finish. I thought they were almost done by the time I entered the gym, but it took longer than I expected. I'm starting to get hungry too!

By the time I saw Ambrose leaving the bench, my phone vibrates at the same time. I lifted a brow because who would message me at this time?

Ambrose: Please wait for five more minutes.

Oh shit, I thought he just ignored me after meeting eyes with him but I guess not! Well, I can't do anything now! Of course, I can wait for five more minutes!

Oh shit, I thought he just ignored me after meeting eyes with him but I guess not! Well, I can't do anything now! Of course, I can wait for five more minutes!

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