Chapter 10

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FG: good you're all back
B: we had a situation... Klark isn't in the place we thought she would.
C: I am sorry we will need to ask Evie
H: Guys she isn't herself. She will kill her for killing me.
M: we need a searching team you know
FG: I won't risk my student's lives
M: we won't, what about the army of the palace?
FG: no only in highly risk circumstances.
KS: this is one
FG: no Stefan we can't do this and when did you returned back?
C: I called him and tell him everything
FG: no I can't let you do this plus you are not the king now, Ben's father is
KN: I am here and he is authorized to do anything. Klark is an enemy and I heard that they might be more of them and we need to eliminate them.
KS: thank you my friend.
FG: ok Nicolas. So Stefan our moves?
KS: we are calling the kingdom's army to take place here. We are discussing and try to figure out where my daughter has Klark. This will take a day for the search team, if this won't work we will have to ask Evie.
M: so what if her "isle friends" come closer to her and help her escape.
H: I'll keep an eye on her and make sure everything will be okay.
C: me too. I will help you Harry.
FG: okay. So I am calling the army, the rest of the students except Harry and Carlos you are dismissed.
J: we aren't students anymore.
FG: I know but I am sure your wife has a baby in her belly and need some rest.
M: what? No I don't I am ok.
J: babe she is right let's go get some sleep.
M: fine
KS: thank you for your help.

*Harry went in Evie's room:
H: Evie.
E: Harry you found the keys?
H: what?
E: come in
H: wait what keys are you talking about?
E: you are here to get me out right?
H: mm no sorry. I just came here to talk to you.
E: you get me in here right?
H: what are you talking about?
E: you planned with Mal to keep me here so they can rescue Klark
H: that's not what happened.
E: then what happened, cause I remember you pretending to be my boyfriend, but behind my back you were talking with Mal to lock me here.
H: Evie hear me out. I died and you were bad so you imprisoned Klark and helped me come back.
E: yes your welcome.
H: As much as I wanted to come back to you, that much I wish I was still trapped in that Klark's dimension.
E: what?
H: Evie I fell in love with the old you, the sweet and amazing Evie, who worked our differences and loved me except the bad things I did.
E: that girl existed, but it's gone now. This girl disappeared the moment you died.
H: no I can't believe that and I won't. She is in there, but her "friends" changed her.
E: no you don't talk about my friends. They were here when my real friends weren't.
H: this isn't true. They made you believe this. You friends Mal, Carlos, Jay, Jane and Ben were coming here everyday and telling you the news of school so you don't miss a thing when you'd return. Your parents were so worried about you that were sleeping outside your door every night for 1 month. And FG, she was trying to help you by taking part of your pain. And you know all of these, cause every night you were leaving your room and going somewhere with your "friends " to help you control your magic and your feelings, but the thing you didn't understand is that they managed to change who you are. You aren't a killer Evie.
E: (*cry) I am sorry, but I needed you , I missed you so much that I couldn't breathe the first days and I just couldn't be with the others cause I didn't want them to look at me with sad faces. I just wanted you only you, just you...I am sorry so sorry
H: shshshshs I know, I am here now, things will get better I promise.
E: I need Klark to pay for what she did to you, to me and our lives anyway.
H: She'll pay after the find her
E: who?
H: the army Evie the don't have a choice.
E: so she was afraid of the army? She couldn't be...
H: what are you talking about ?
E: when we were in the basement she told me:
{K: you can't leave me here. He'll find me!
  E: who?
  K: - } and earlier she wasn't responding to the question if she has lost someone.
H: Evie we need to get her here, please. (*Calling)
E: who are you calling to?
H: Fairy Godmother.
FG: hello, what's wrong?
H:come to Evie asap
E: wait what?
FG: oh hello guys.
H: there is a bigger threat than Klark, she is running from someone and I believe that's why she needs Evie's powers.
FG: if that's true that someone will find her. Evie where is she?
E: I can take you to her.
FG: good let's -, no. What if this is a trick to get out?
H: it's not I trust her
FG: tell me where do you have her?
E: in the woods there is a house. She is in the basement!
FG: copy that?
KS: we're on our way
E: my dad was that?
H: yes
E: no he can't go there
FG: why not?
E: if Klark cast any spell the building will set on fire and will trap everyone inside. You have to let me go. Please he is my dad let me help
H: you need to let her go.
FG: I can't do that. Harry you can with me. Evie sorry I can't trust you.
E: if something happens to them...
FG: you have to take the responsibilities of your actions, you won't help
E: You can't let me in here, if my dad dies, please let me help you.
H: it's her father.
FG: sorry
H: then I am sorry for this too. (*fall asleep)
FG: Harry you can't trust her.
E: Thank you let's go
H: no not like this, you aren't leaving my side.
E: okay I am with you I promise you can trust me
H: get us there.
KS: Evie? Harry? What are you doing here?
E: hi dad. We are here to rescue you, cause you are falling in a trap.
KS: you sent us here?
H: no she came to help. Klark set the trap, the moment you walk in and she will cast a spell the house will be on fire and you would be trapped inside.
KS: you did this spell?
E: yes and I am sorry for everything, but...-
KS: it's okay.
E: you didn't let me finish. (*blockthem)
H: Evie what are you doing?
E: Saving your lives.
KS: Evie don't get in there.
E: Dad I love you okay? I caused too many bad things lately, let me make it us to you and everyone here.
H: you promised.
E: I know what I promise and you can understand it too.
H: please Evie...
E:(*looks at him and walk inside)
H: shit!
E: Klark?
K: you are back. Took you long enough actually only 3 days
E: eat this and shut up.
K: what do you want?
E: I know that someone is after you... And I wanna know who.
K: why?
E: because every villain of the isle became a villain for a certain reason. I wanna know why  you became one.
K: why do you wanna help me I mean I killed Harry.
E: I've done some horrible things the past 3 months and I need to make everything right, starting with forgiving you. I am not saying that what you did was fine and fully understandable, but I think I can understand a part of it.
K: thank you I guess. Did you came here alone?
E: no. I trapped my dad, Harry and a whole army outside the house. And now we have to escape by making them believe I died.
K: what why?
E: because I cannot put them in danger again. They need to continue their lives without thinking about the threats
K: you are gonna hurt them badly and you will get hurt. Have you thought about this correctly?
E: yes it's the only way. Now cast a spell
K: we will burn
E: we won't just do it.
K: (*distraction)

*The house suddenly came into flames and Evie and Klark escaped. Harry and the others set free.

H: Evie?
KS: no no no no my baby girl.
FG: what happened?
H: it's Evie she is gone
FG: (*looks Mal)
M: no Harry this can't be true please no.
H: (*hugs her)
C: oh god (*cry)
M: Carlos we're gonna be better.
KS: *calling Clarice
C: hello are you okay did you found Klark?
C: Stefan what's wrong?
KS: Clarice, it's Evie, she is dead.
C: what no she is in her room under a protection spell.
KS: no...she is gone, she saved us all.
C: nooo nooo no, please no I can't,I can't... (*Screaming)

K: this will destroy them
E: I couldn't it otherwise. They need to believe I am gone.
K: if you say so.
E: we should move
K: and go where?
E: shut up and follow me.
K: I thought we were becoming friends
E: you thought wrong. And now get in here.

The next day:
Everyone returned to the castle and prepared to say Evie's last goodbye.

Evie's room:
J: Babe are you ok?
M: no I can't believe she is gone.
J: I know... Do you some time?
M: yes I need some time, please go talk to Harr and Carlos they are both in a bad situation.
J: okay... Whenever you're ready come to find me
M: yes sure (*a tears falling from her eyes)

Harry's room
J: Harry may I come in?
H: yes
J: how are you man?
H: I can't do this. She's really gone...and it hurts like shit.
J: I know she's my friend and I feel you
H: how am I gonna say goodbye?
J: we are gonna have to figure this out I guess.
C: guys.
B: hey.
H: Carlos, Ben?
J: it's time?
B: I am afraid so.
H: oh god.
J: I am gonna get Mal. We'll meet you there.

J: hi M. How are you holding up?
M: Jane I am trying. I am actually...-(*crying)
J:(*hugs her)
M: it's time huh?
J: you need more?
M: no I have to be better for her parents
J: they need our support that's true.
J: babe?
M: hi again Jay
J: are you ready?
M: I never thought I'd have to be ready for my friend's last goodbye.
J: we are gonna be okay as long as we stick together.
M: let's go guys.(*wipes her tears)

In the cemetery:
FG: King and Queen, my dears friends, my students we gathered here today to say our last goodbye to a loved to everyone person, Evie Grimhilde. In this point we need to tell you that she died in a fire while she was saving everyone's life here in Auradon from Klark our enemy. Now I think her friends would like to say a few words. Mal, only if you're okay.
M: I got this. Pheww(*takes a deep breath)
    "Hey everyone, hmmm I wrote a speech that I would like to say, but now that I am here I just don't want to say these words.(*throws the paper away). If you knew Evie like I do, since the day she was born I mean then you'd know that she was an amazing and incredible person. A great, caring friend who prepared my wedding dress, who made me dresses like the one I am wearing now. She was that friend that forgived me whenever I was wrong and help me sleep when I couldn't. I just wish I had more time to tell her goodbye in person, or give her a huge hug, cause I acted behind her back and I never got to say sorry. It's when people say that we don't know how much time we have left with the people we love. And Evie if you hear me now, I love you I hope you know that (*tears started rolling down her face)
J: shshshshs I got you babe it will get better.
FG: wow touching Mal honestly. She knew you loved her.
H: excuse me? May I say something?
FG: of course.
H: hi everyone, King Stefan and Queen Clarice, my friends... I am not gonna say much cause I can't put my feelings in a sentence sorry...I just wanted to say that Evie was a hero, she made mistakes yes all the heroes do, but everything she did, she did it for her loved ones to protect them like she protected me and her father and a whole army from falling into a trap yesterday. She died as a hero. I knew her personally too and I love her more than anyone could love someone in this life. I hope to see her again...
FG: thank you Harry. Anyone else?
C: I loved Evie with my whole heart and I never got to tell her again I wish she knows.
KS: (*hugging Clarice)
M: is she ok?
C: I will be better Mal thank you.

A year later:
E: Klark any luck in there?
K: nope, I can't figure out what it is.
E: what do you mean "what"?
K: it's a creature not a human. But we need access to another library, pages are missing from here.
E: we have to return.
K: where?
E: to Auradon.


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