Chapter 7

22 3 9

6 months later

M: Evie! It's time to go...
E: nooo I want to see one more episode.
M: no no no no no we watched a whole season of friends yesterday. We are not doing this again
E: finee... Let's do something though... Summer break is so so freaking boring
M: okay let's talk about you and that guy you are stalking
E: no I am not stalking.
M: what's his name Evs?
E: Harry
M: age
E: 17
M: b-day?
E: December 1
M: favourite colour?
E: probably blue. He has all of his notebooks blue.
M: see? That's call stalking!
E: no just social interest. (*Smiles)
M: yes whatever! (*rolling eyes)
E: oh and I don't know where did he came from so?
M: how did you missed such an important information? I'm in sock (*sarcasm). Why don't you just talk to him?
E: he isn't coming here everyday and I think that he is kind of avoiding me.
M: impossible! He doesn't know you!
E: so how are you explaining the fact that he changed subject after he saw me in godmother's lesson?
M: it was just a random fact!After you and Carlos broke up... Things are weird between you and all the boys...
E: we are friends with Carlos and it's not like I am weird with boys, I just don't like someone.
M: but you like this Harry.
E: well you can't deny that he's attractive.
M: he is indeed!
E: do I have to remind you that you are married?
M: oh stop... I mean that he is attractive for you.
E: I am just kidding! Oh look the guys are here
C: hi girls. How are you?
E:good and you?
J: perfect! Mal babe wanna go watch a movie?
M: no. I was with Evie all afternoon seeing series.
J: seriously?
C: guys summer is so boring. I mean I would prefer to have a mystery to solve or...(*Evie continues
E: or Klark was here to make me suffer
M: guys come on we are normal for once. We don't have to fight against anyone... I mean Klark might regret it and became reasonable like my mum did
J: why don't we go to see our parents?
C: not a good idea
M: you really want to see your dad?
J: no not really...
E: we have 3 months ok? Let's just enjoy our break. Oh and Mal I will go dye my hair
M: brown again?
E: yup wanna come?
J: go to become blonde again Jane will make you perfect. I am sorry that we are talking about her Carlos I know she chose Ben
M: okay!
C: no worries guys. I knew she would choose him, they are meant for each other and when the time comes I will find my soulmate.
M: I am sure you will (*looks ate Evie)
(*Ben is coming)
J: hi bro what's up?
B: hey. Party on my house tonight!!!
E&M: what?
B: yes 20:00 and you are all invited
E: that's bad. I have nothing to wear!!!!
M: same...
E&M: we will go shopping (*smile)
C: what's wrong with all girls?(*rolling eyes)
B: anyway I will see you tonight
J: bye Ben.
M: we need to go Evs!
E: hair first.
M: see you later babe (*kiss Jay)
C: bye Evie (*smiles to her)
E:(*looks at him) bye Carlos (*smile and walk away)

Jane's room:
M: your boyfriend decided to do a party today and our hair are bad
J: I can make them don't worry!
E: We want you to make them like the first time we met you
J: oh great, brown and blond. No problem sit!

E: thank u JaneJ: always here for you girlsM: I love them

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E: thank u Jane
J: always here for you girls
M: I love them. Will we see you tonight?
J: um yes!of course!!!
E: perfect. We have some shopping left to do so we'll see you
J: yes bye!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑨 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 ᯾Book Two᯾Where stories live. Discover now