Chapter 1

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M(elody): Mum i love my little brother...
E(vie): he is beautiful I know
M:you know mum you have to finish me that story that you started a year ago.
E: I will do it...
M: you are always saying that
E: no I am not!
M: You are lying this time cuz i recorded you saying the same things like, hmm...33 times specifically!
E: okay as a matter of fact i have plenty of time now!
M: weird, but i wanna hear it.
E: okay sit...
M: go on!
E: we were about there that Harry took Evie and none else noticed.
M: yup.

C(arlos): Hello Dove!
D(ove): hey you how are you?
C: I am okay but as I told you yesterday and the day before that I think that something is missing. I feel empty...
B(oo)b(oo): hi guys what are you talking about?
D: for Cameron.
C: I feel empty. Ok? I think that all my memories have changed.
Bb: well I think that you should go ask a girl out! I think that's gonna help you.
D: Yes maybe. I mean you can't just fell in love with the girl of your dreams
Bb: what girl?
D: he is keep watching a girl with brown dark hair,but she used to have blue...and  brown eyes. He is strongly believe that he loves her.
Bb: Its just a dream nothing more. Forget about it  and move on to the real world!!! I mean ask Jane out.
C: I don't know... She broke up with Ben and it might be weird
D: oh god get over it! They broke up 5 months ago! And I am gonna call Sofia
C: Sofia?
D: Who is Sofia?
C: you said sofia
D: no... Omg I said sofia and I don't know anyone with this name! I wanted to call Lony.
C: the girl's name on my dream is Sofia!
Bb: impossible dude! You don't know any Sofia! I mean if you knew we would as well.
D: yeah but I dk how it came in my mind
C: you guys, I think you are right, maybe I read about a girl named Sofia somewhere and my mind made a story. I am sure I am just need some rest
Bb: and?
C: and what?
Bb: and ask Jane out it's clearly that something going on with you too.
D: yeah ask her on a date.
C: you know what I am gonna ask her out now!
Bb: that's my friend!
D: perfect.
C: bye guys!
Bb: what will we do with him?
D: I don't know he really think that this girl exists or at least existed
Bb: yes ok but how are we gonna prove that?
D: I don't know, maybe we can ask FG
Bb: actually you know what? We won't! I mean you don't know any Sofia, I don't know any Sofia, so as Carlos said we might read the name somewhere thats all!
D: yes you are right
Bb: I know!

Carlos and Jane:
C: hey Jane
J(ane): Hello Cam
C: I wanted to talk to you about something...
J: okay what's going on?
C: well, I... I, well here is the thing, the thing I wanted to tell you is. Em
J: hey what's going on? (She put her hand on his shoulder)
C: do u think that if I'll ask you out would it be wrong?
J: no. I wanna go out with you
C: really?
J: yes of course
C: great so, Friday at 20:00 I am gonna pick you out to eat dinner maybe?
J: yes sure
C: so it settled! Its a date!!!
J: nice bye Cam
C: bye

Boy's dorm:
B(en): hello Cam
C: hi. There is something that I need to tell you
B: ok
C: i asked Jane out on a date and I don't know if you are ok with this, but I would really wanted you to be cause I really like her and you guys broke up like 4/5 months ago.
B: relax... I am totally fine, me and Jane broke up and we decided to be friends, plus things are better now.
C: okay thank you
B: no problem i am gonna take a shower now.
C: ok... Hmm one last question!
B: tell me
C: don't you feel that something is off?
B: with what?
C: i feel like someone is missing! I keep seeing the girl that I told you last week on my dreams and I am completely sure that I loved her
B: i feel like my other half is missing!
C: what?
B: you know FG once told me that their is someone who has the opposite power of me and when it will comes I will know that she is with who the universe chose for me to be with.
C: and?
B: and I think that I found her 5 months ago and then she disappeared.
C: how is that girl looks like?
B: brown hair, brown eyes and her name is Sofia.
C: okaay now I am sure that she was existing. I keep having that dream and I think her name is Sofia!
B: what are we gonna do? I mean she might be in danger and she is trying to reach to us.
C: I don't have magic powers as you know... I can't do much!
B: But I do and I have an idea!!!
C: hello? Tell meee!
B: we will go to FG and I will ask her when I will see the girl that the universe chose for me, I will ask her is I could contact with her
C: and then she will ask why?
B: then we will tell her that she might be on danger and she is sending us messages
C: so I will tell her that I seeing her on my dreams!
B: great... But wait a minute! I don't love that girl I have a connection because of our power, you said you love her!
C: I think I do, yes!
B: yeah okay we will see!
C: okay then let's go!
B: what now!?
C: I am waiting some months to tell you this and now that you feel it too we won't go?
B: come on
C: you come on!!!
B: fine... Go.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑨 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 ᯾Book Two᯾Where stories live. Discover now